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The LA Times and Washington Post aren’t taking Trump’s attacks on journalists & the media lying down

The LA Times and Washington Post aren’t taking Trump’s attacks on journalists & the media lying down

The Los Angeles Times has had enough of President Bannon and his toady Donald Trump attacking journalists, saying they should “keep its mouth shut” and calling them the “enemy of the people”. They have a new line of swag called the “Free Speech Collection“: In the collection are two different styles of t-shirts and mugs: They sent out an email […]

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Only in Betsy DeVos’ Michigan can schools be “reformed” by closing them

Only in Betsy DeVos’ Michigan can schools be “reformed” by closing them

The news broke on January 20, 2017 that as many as 38 schools could be closed in Michigan, 24 of those in Detroit, due to “poor academic performance.” Parents in the city, and throughout the state, were understandably stunned, as this announcement represented an abrupt change in the state’s previous position on school closings: Gov. Rick Snyder’s administration has switched […]

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The House GOP plan to uninsure 20+ million is complete ‘f**kery’

The House GOP plan to uninsure 20+ million is complete ‘f**kery’

House Republicans plan to keep their ‘repeal and disgrace’ plan secret until the last possible moment First, the good news: Showing up and getting all up in your Representatives’ grills, especially during Congress’ recess, left elected officials “blown away.” Republicans still can’t agree a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act because, according to Politico, “the process has been bogged […]

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House Dems call for the resignation of the head of Betsy DeVos’s anti-public educ. group over gender violence remarks

House Dems call for the resignation of the head of Betsy DeVos’s anti-public educ. group over gender violence remarks

Two Michigan House Democrats are calling for the resignation of Gary Naeyaert, the head of Betsy DeVos’s anti-public education group Great Lakes Education Project (GLEP) following remarks he made at a Senate Education Committee meeting on Tuesday. GLEP was founded and is heavily funded by the billionaire Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. During his testimony, Naeyaert expressed frustration over what […]

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(UPDATED) VIDEO: Head of Betsy DeVos’s anti-public education group testifies in Senate hearing that he likes to “shake” indecisive women

(UPDATED) VIDEO: Head of Betsy DeVos’s anti-public education group testifies in Senate hearing that he likes to “shake” indecisive women

“I wanted to shake her, like I like to shake my wife.” Gary Naeraert is the Executive Director of the Great Lakes Education Project (GLEP). GLEP was founded and largely funded by U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to influence policy and law in Michigan with the aim of promoting charter schools and the elimination of traditional public schools. The […]

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Betsy DeVos declares Historically Black Colleges & Universities the “real pioneers when it comes to school choice”

Betsy DeVos declares Historically Black Colleges & Universities the “real pioneers when it comes to school choice”

In the aftermath of the American Civil War, black Americans found themselves unable to attend colleges and universities because they simply were not allowed entrance into them. In response, they were forced to form their own institutions of higher education. These institutions are now referred to as Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs). Today, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos issued […]

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The election of Tom Perez for DNC Chair was a missed opportunity for the DNC & a major step forward at the same time

The election of Tom Perez for DNC Chair was a missed opportunity for the DNC & a major step forward at the same time

This past Saturday morning, the electors of the Democratic National Committee narrowly selected former Obama administration Labor Secretary Tom Perez to be their new Chair. It was a very close vote of 54-46%. The Michigan delegation all voted for Ellison in the second round of voting and only one person voted for someone besides Ellison in the first round. In […]

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UPDATED x2: Number of people at pro-ACA rally in Jackson, Michigan: 400+, number of media mentions: ZERO

UPDATED x2: Number of people at pro-ACA rally in Jackson, Michigan: 400+, number of media mentions: ZERO

Back in 2009 when the Affordable Care Act was being debated, all it took was for three or four tea partiers to gather with anti-Obamacare signs on a street corner and they got all sorts of publicity. Now that the tables have turned, that sort of publicity appears hard to come by, at least in Michigan’s 7th Congressional District. This […]

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Private school vouchers: A solution in search of a problem

Private school vouchers: A solution in search of a problem

Private school vouchers are the zombies of the education reform agenda. No matter how many times they are defeated at the ballot box, they just won’t die. Vouchers are overwhelmingly unpopular with voters, contribute to school segregation, don’t help poor families attend the “school of their choice,” and the most recent research on vouchers suggests that the students who use […]

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Why does the GOP want to cut the super rich’s taxes while raising taxes on the middle class?

Why does the GOP want to cut the super rich’s taxes while raising taxes on the middle class?

Here’s one question that every Republican at every town hall needs to be asked ASAP The GOP’s nameless Affordable Care Act “replacement” has been leaked after reportedly being pulled for review by the CBO because it was about to be scored as not adding any coverage over straight repeal and the numbers look atrocious. It is what we expected to […]

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Who in their right mind thinks improving “failing” schools means defunding then shutting them down? Republicans.

Who in their right mind thinks improving “failing” schools means defunding then shutting them down? Republicans.

This is madness. A Michigan law passed by Republicans allows for schools that don’t meet specific requirements for academic achievement to be simply closed. Shut down. Kids thrown out. It’s a draconian step, one that essentially tells parents, “We don’t want to make the investments in your children’s schools needed to bring them up to par, so we are giving […]

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