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Nearly 200 rally on a Monday to oppose ACA repeal at Rep. Dave Trott’s Michigan office

Nearly 200 rally on a Monday to oppose ACA repeal at Rep. Dave Trott’s Michigan office

Michiganders made their voices heard in support of the Affordable Care Act. Despite it being a work day — with temperatures below freezing — nearly 200 constituents of Michigan Congressman Dave Trott and other concerned citizens rallied in front of his Troy office to oppose repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), aka Obamacare. Protesters bearing signs made a bold […]

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Resisting the fascism of Donald Trump: Is this a sprint or a marathon?

Resisting the fascism of Donald Trump: Is this a sprint or a marathon?

The following essay was written by an Eclectablog reader who wishes to remain anonymous. Enjoy. Is this a sprint or a marathon? I recently texted a local elected official and suggested he lead a protest against the latest Trump attack on American morality, the Muslim Ban. The official responded that we had just had a massive protest against Trump and […]

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PHOTOS/VIDEO: >2,000 protest Pr*s. Trump and his fascist immigration/refugee policies at Detroit Metro Airport (DTW)

PHOTOS/VIDEO: >2,000 protest Pr*s. Trump and his fascist immigration/refugee policies at Detroit Metro Airport (DTW)

A protest of Pr*sident Donald Trump’s fascist anti-immigrant and anti-refugee Executive Orders at Detroit Metro Airport tonight drew over 2,000 people spread out across two levels of the Macnamara Terminal and completely filling half of the baggage claim area. The permitted protest started at 4:00 p.m. and was slated to end at 6:00 p.m. However, it was well past 6:30 […]

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Betsy DeVos’ spokesperson, Ed Patru, works for a Washington “crisis management” firm that specializes in building “astroturf” groups

Betsy DeVos’ spokesperson, Ed Patru, works for a Washington “crisis management” firm that specializes in building “astroturf” groups

The confirmation vote for Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education, Michigan billionaire Betsy DeVos, is scheduled for this Tuesday, so we can expect to see a final flurry of information–and misinformation, as it may be–over the next 48 hours in an all-out attempt to secure her the position. And it’s a good bet that one of the individuals behind […]

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Betsy DeVos paid for a Grand Rapids school superintendent to support her at her Senate confirmation in Washington, DC

Betsy DeVos paid for a Grand Rapids school superintendent to support her at her Senate confirmation in Washington, DC

Betsy DeVos, Pr*sident Donald Trump’s pick to be his Secretary of Education, is rightfully being exposed nationally for her anti-public education agenda. As I and Mitchell Robinson have been explaining repeatedly, Betsy DeVos isn’t just unqualified, she’s DANGEROUS. She’s never attended a public school. She’s never sent her children to a public school. She’s never taught in ANY school. She’s […]

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Trump tries to squash ACA insurance enrollment but we can do the outreach ourselves

Trump tries to squash ACA insurance enrollment but we can do the outreach ourselves

He and his henchmen might be able to silence government agencies, but they can’t stop citizens from spreading the word. SEE UPDATE BELOW. Open enrollment for 2017 health insurance ends on January 31, and historically the last few days of enrollment have brought a rush of sign-ups — particularly among young people, as reported by the always-excellent Sarah Kliff in […]

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‘The Affordable Care Act saved my life’ says mother of three being treated for cancer

‘The Affordable Care Act saved my life’ says mother of three being treated for cancer

After losing her job and being diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, this woman could not have paid for treatment if it wasn’t for Obamacare. Laurie Merges never expected to be relying on Medicaid. As a highly educated woman with a successful career in corporate sales, she has worked her entire life and is raising three children, a 10-year-old and six-year-old […]

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Where to now, liberals, now that the ‘game’ has changed?

Where to now, liberals, now that the ‘game’ has changed?

The following essay was written by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. Enjoy. It’s time… It’s time to realize that we lost. It’s time to move on to the next battle. It’s already started, and our failure to realize that has put us two steps behind a ruthless and effective opponent. No. I’m not talking about the Presidential election. […]

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AG Schuette engages in “superficial posturing”, wants to be on both sides of #FlintWaterCrisis suit (& much more news)

AG Schuette engages in “superficial posturing”, wants to be on both sides of #FlintWaterCrisis suit (& much more news)

There is a lot of news to report today about the ongoing public health crisis in Flint. We cover this issue every week in our podcast, as well, so be sure to have a listen. Before we get started, it’s worth noting that last Thursday was the 1,000th day since Flint started using the Flint River for its drinking water […]

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REMINDER: No one knows how to beat Donald Trump — yet

REMINDER: No one knows how to beat Donald Trump — yet

We know about as much about beating Trump as Ted Cruz — a Canadian who made an alliance with a birther Until the last drip of opium hits my bloodstream, I shall be eternally grateful to the organizers and participants of last Saturday’s Women’s March. In the most direct but charming way it warned our new president that he will […]

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Photo credit: M. Robinson

Betsy DeVos is not just unqualified, she’s dangerous

The news that Betsy DeVos will not divest her financial interest in Neurocore, a Michigan “biofeedback” company, should alarm anyone who cares about the health and safety of our children. Because this is not simply a financial issue; it’s part of a disturbing trend in Ms. DeVos’ involvement and activism in education, and her potential confirmation as Secretary of Education. […]

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