Search Results for "24" : 1641

Food stamp cuts would starve people — and the economic recovery

Food stamp cuts would starve people — and the economic recovery

The GOP’s obsession with crushing the poor could create more economic woes. Which seems to be just what they want. Today on NPR’s “The Takeaway,” I heard Republican U.S. Representative Lynn Westmoreland (GA) say the economic recovery is so slow “I don’t know how much worse we could hurt it.” Actually, there’s plenty Republicans could do to hurt the economic […]

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GOP Obamacare ‘replacement’ shows conservatives have lost the health care battle

GOP Obamacare ‘replacement’ shows conservatives have lost the health care battle

The GOP: Willing to risk your job and your retirement to make sure you don’t get health insurance. First of all, let’s be honest about what the “Defund Obamacare” wing of the GOP is doing. They lost the 2012 election, which was in large part part about Obamacare, and in protest of that election they’re threatening a depression if the […]

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RNC fundraising email claims health insurance costs under Obama have gone up EIGHT TIMES higher than they actually have

RNC fundraising email claims health insurance costs under Obama have gone up EIGHT TIMES higher than they actually have

Aren’t there laws against false advertising??? Yesterday, I published a piece titled “Debunking the Republican lie that health insurance costs have skyrocketed under Obama”. In it, I showed how the right is telling outright lies about the rate of cost increases of health insurance under President Obama. In that piece, I missed something. The GOP is claiming that the cost […]

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Snyder scores coveted Birther endorsement, top aide accused of illegal lobbying

Snyder scores coveted Birther endorsement, top aide accused of illegal lobbying

You’re on a roll, Governor Snyder [Caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog] Governor Snyder has scored the coveted Birther endorsement with this tweet last night from Donald Trump: Michigan has made great progress under Snyder-Calley. @MIGOP is out early energizing the grassroots. Keep it up! #JoinMITeam — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 16, 2013 Every […]

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Debunking the Republican lie that health insurance costs have skyrocketed under Obama

Debunking the Republican lie that health insurance costs have skyrocketed under Obama

Maybe they just have trouble with math? The GOP has taken a new tack in its endless and expensive effort to derail the Affordable Care Act. Recently they have been sending out an email that says, “Since President Obama took office, the average family has seen their health care premiums increase by $3,500 a year…ObamaCare enrollment doesn’t start until October […]

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REMINDER: Nothing the GOP is proposing will cut the debt as much as immigration reform

REMINDER: Nothing the GOP is proposing will cut the debt as much as immigration reform

Or, GOP threatens shutdown/default if we don’t increase the deficit As the Tea Party faction of the House of Representatives tries to create another completely unnecessary budget crisis that could end up wounding their brand almost as much as it would sabotage the economy, here are a few things to keep in mind: 1. The deficit is shrinking rapidly, probably […]

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PHOTO ESSAY: New York City – An unforgettable day, an unforgettable city

PHOTO ESSAY: New York City – An unforgettable day, an unforgettable city

Twelve years ago I was living in St. Louis working for the St. Louis Post Dispatch. I was single with two dogs and a parrot, and spent my free time going to bars and listening to music and watching sporting events with family and friends. I hadn’t even met Chris at that point. Now, 12 years later I work for […]

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George Zimmerman in custody on gun-related charges

George Zimmerman in custody on gun-related charges

Here we go again… A short time after he was acquitted for murdering Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman was pulled over for speeding and found to have a (legal) gun in his car. He was given a warning by police officers that had him take pictures with them (he’s a celebrity, after all) and then sent on his merry way with […]

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Democratic candidate Pam Byrnes to do a 7-County Swing Tour of Michigan’s 7th Congressional District

Democratic candidate Pam Byrnes to do a 7-County Swing Tour of Michigan’s 7th Congressional District

Getting to knoo-oow you, getting to know all aboo-out you! Photo by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog Beginning next Saturday, September 7th, Democratic candidate for Michigan’s 7th Congressional District Pam Byrnes will begin a 7-County Swing Tour of this highly gerrymandered district to begin the important process of introducing herself to 7th District voters. In case you missed it, […]

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Attention: email subscribers to Eclectablog alerts, especially those on Comcast

Attention: email subscribers to Eclectablog alerts, especially those on Comcast

Harumph So, I have just received word from a friend who subscribes to email alerts from Eclectablog that Comcast has been marking email notifications for new posts as “spam” and automatically filtering them so that users never see the alerts. Here’s what he found out when he contacted Comcast: Comcast indicated that there was a spam marker (which was now […]

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Gov Snyder’s “dashboard” gives a THUMBS UP to lower GDP (and other “mistakes”)

Gov Snyder’s “dashboard” gives a THUMBS UP to lower GDP (and other “mistakes”)

Metrics, schmetrics. Did they think we wouldn’t notice??? Governor Snyder is takes great pride in his reliance on transparency and metrics as indicators of his “success” as the leader CEO of our state. His “dashboard” is supposedly a way for the citizens of our fine state to keep an eye on his “progress”. However, looking at his dashboard today, it’s […]

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