Tag: ACA

Obamacare Friday Update: 430K Private Enrollments; 1.6 Million Medicaid/SCHIP

Obamacare Friday Update: 430K Private Enrollments; 1.6 Million Medicaid/SCHIP

A couple of weeks ago I posted a detailed analysis of how Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) enrollments are going so far. Starting today, every Friday I’ll be posting updated numbers here at Eclectablog. Full details can be viewed daily at ACASignups.net. HOUSTON, WE HAVE LIFT-OFF!! Roughly 27,000 Americans signed up for insurance on the federal exchange on Tuesday, according […]

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Michigander gives healthcare.gov a second chance — and she’s glad she did

Michigander gives healthcare.gov a second chance — and she’s glad she did

A vastly improved website made it much easier to compare plans and see the real benefits. Sharon Baseman always wanted to find coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As a freelance graphic designer, she has to buy individual coverage and thought she’d save money thanks to Obamacare. As it turns out, she was right. In the beginning, Baseman wasn’t […]

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Republican Mike Shirkey working hard to solve an Obamacare problem that literally does not exist

Republican Mike Shirkey working hard to solve an Obamacare problem that literally does not exist

Non-problem: solved! Michigan Republican Represenative Mike Shirkey introduced House Bill 4044 last January. The bill’s intent is to ensure that companies selling health insurance on the Michigan health care exchange that was made possible by the Affordable Care Act can sell insurance off the exchange as well. Here’s the bill in full: Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, an insurer […]

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More on GOP bill to require insurers to tell you how Obamacare is raising your rates – the House Republicans respond

More on GOP bill to require insurers to tell you how Obamacare is raising your rates – the House Republicans respond

Methinks thou dost protest too much A couple of days ago I reported on a bill Republicans have introduced that requires health insurance providers to tell you what part of your health insurance premium is the result of the Affordable Care Act. As wrote in the piece, this bill requires boilerplate language that the insurance companies must use that says […]

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My Obamacare success story hits the national airwaves

My Obamacare success story hits the national airwaves

Who says the media doesn’t report good news? How refreshing to hear a positive story about Obamacare in the national media! The fact that it was my story is just a cool bonus. On Tuesday’s edition of “The Stephanie Miller Show,” Miller read snippets of the story I shared Monday about my great experience enrolling for insurance through the Affordable […]

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The GOP shrugged: pitting Obamacare “makers” vs. Obamacare “takers”

The GOP shrugged: pitting Obamacare “makers” vs. Obamacare “takers”

“When one gains, another loses.” There is one very unfortunate aspect to the roll out of the Affordable Care Act. The tiny percentage of people who are being forced into new policies happens nearly all at once and at the very start of the roll out. The overwhelming benefits of having more Americans insured and covered by decent health care […]

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I’m the story Obamacare’s opponents don’t want you to hear

I’m the story Obamacare’s opponents don’t want you to hear

I’ve officially enrolled in coverage through the marketplace. It was easier than I expected — and will save me about $10,000 a year. I just got covered under Obamacare. I already had insurance, but it was breaking my piggy bank. Now I have coverage with almost identical benefits, for less than half the price I’m paying right now. Even better, […]

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If your health insurance is being canceled, think twice about who to blame

If your health insurance is being canceled, think twice about who to blame

The claims that the Obama administration lied about people being able to keep their coverage are greatly exaggerated. The report by NBC News stating that the Obama administration knew that millions of Americans couldn’t keep their health insurance doesn’t tell the whole story. But it certainly gives the opposition fodder. In fact, the GOP is already gleefully rubbing their hands […]

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OBAMACARE DAY TWO: Some reflections after an historic day

OBAMACARE DAY TWO: Some reflections after an historic day

That was a day we will all remember President Obama signs the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, photo by Congressman Keith Ellison Well, I looked out the window the morning, Day Two of Obamacare, and the sky was still UP and the sun was rising. IN THE WEST! No, wait [turns around] IN THE EAST! Despite warnings of the […]

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A quick look at the facts: How will Obamacare benefit you?

A quick look at the facts: How will Obamacare benefit you?

The second in a series of posts about the Affordable Care Act, sharing info everyone needs to know. Healthcare is complex. Laws can be confusing. Put the two together, mix in some good old-fashioned misinformation being spread by Obamacare’s opponents and … voila! Complications ensue. But, really, the benefits of Obamacare are pretty straightforward. And they’re pretty cool. Maybe you’re […]

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