Tag: Barack Obama

Pulpit: bullied

Last night, President Obama spoke to the country about the looming crisis, imposed on the country by Republicans who have what appears to be a single interest in mind: protecting the interests of every single millionaire and billionaire in the USA from having to give up even one penny of their money. It should never have come to this but […]

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The debt ceiling & the individual mandate: how you know GOP negotiators were NEVER serious

With Mitch McConnell’s declaration earlier this year that his main political goal is ensuring that Barack Obama is a one-term president, everything else that has happened since makes sense. But there’s something that happened in the negotiations between the White House, Congressional Democrats and Congressional Republicans that tells you, beyond a doubt and without any room for argument, that the […]

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President Adult

It’s pretty hard to argue that President Obama and his negotiating team are not the only adults at the negotiating table. If the press doesn’t report on yesterday’s debt ceiling press conference and point that out, they will have failed us tremendously once again. Full press conference from yesterday: My favorite two spots came at about 18 minutes and 27 […]

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Another Obama pony delivered. This one has rainbows, too.

Thank Goddess this man is president. The ban on gays serving openly in the U.S. military will end in 60 days, President Barack Obama said on Friday after notifying Congress that all the requirements to repeal it have been met. The armed forces are ready to set aside the 18-year-old “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that forced gay recruits to […]

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I’ll gladly condemn you today for a capitulation you might (or might not) do Tuesday

I’ll gladly condemn you today for a capitulation you might (or might not) do Tuesday

At some point yesterday afternoon, a legislative aide leaked that the White House was caving — CAVING I tellzya! — and was going to give up everything to the Republicans on raising of the debt ceiling. According to this very serious source, the deal between House Speaker Boehner and President Obama was all but a done deal. A Congressional aide […]

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Presidential Eye Candy (with jazz!)

Thanks to my friend Rhoda who sent along this video she made of President Obama. When you have a dude this suave and sharp, you can easily do a seven minute video and never run out of great images. And this doesn’t even include much First Lady eye candy goodness. You could do an hour of her, so far as […]

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I am Barack Hussein Obama and I am the American Dream

I am Barack Hussein Obama and I am the American Dream

Love this. H/T Marla. I was born in Hawaii to a single mother.I was raised in Kansas by my two loving grandparents.I went to Harvard Law School and became a community organizer in Chicago. My story is one told a million times over in this country; from sea to shining sea. It is a dream shared by all who come […]

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Barack Obama — Made in the USA

Barack Obama — Made in the USA

One thing I’ve always loved about Organizing for America (OFA) is their ability to have some fun with their fundraising. Here’s the latest: A coffee mug with the saying “Made in the USA” underneath a picture of President Obama. On the other side is a reproduction of his birth certificate. You can get it as a t-shirt, too. Good times, […]

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Where are the “preemptive whingers” now that Social Security cuts are off the table?

Back in January, I wrote a piece called The very real attack on Obama’s mythical attack on Social Security where I talked about lefty pundits attacking President Obama for slashing Social Security, something he has never done and will not do. I was attacked myself in various venues for this piece. Those that I have described as “preemptive whingers” knew, […]

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Obama shows his strategic brilliance – is anyone noticing?

Presented with the conundrum of whether or not to show Osama bin Laden’s death photos, the administration is telegraphing loudly and obviously the fact that they are “in discussions” and not sure it’s the right thing to do. For two days now, administration spokespersons have said, in one form or another, that they are considering releasing photos but are weighing […]

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Intensity in the Situation Room

Intensity in the Situation Room

In case you thought President Obama wasn’t engaged or playing an active role in the killing of Osama bin Laden, check out this photo by White House photographer Pete Souza: Check out President Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s faces. I can’t even imagine how tense that room must have been. I’m just sayin’…

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