Tag: Bobby Jindal

Just so we’re clear on the whole hypocrisy/GOPocrisy thing…

Just so we’re clear on the whole hypocrisy/GOPocrisy thing…

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, the guy flying from place to place, beach to beach along the Gulf coast demanding the federal government save his state from the horrendous ecological catastrophe that is slowly and inexorably consuming it and slamming the president for not doing more, wants more deep-water oil-drilling rigs in the Gulf. He’s upset that President Obama has established […]

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AP commits act of journalism-calls out “small govt” hypocrites

Whoa, whoa there! What’s this? The Associated Press actually calls out the “small government”, tea party hypocrites on their hypocrisy???! Well I’ll be guldurned… All along the Gulf Coast, where the tea party thrives and “socialism” is a common description for any government program, conservatives who usually denounce federal activism suddenly are clamoring for it. Halle-freakin-lujah. It’s a pretty good […]

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