Tag: Boston

Tsarnaev “9/11 Citizen” Anti-Immigrant Angle Debunked

Tsarnaev “9/11 Citizen” Anti-Immigrant Angle Debunked

Yup, regular as clockwork, there are already FB memes going around about Boston Marathon massacre bombing suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev becoming a U.S. citizen on 9/11 last year, as if this somehow “proves” a damned thing about immigration policy. Plus, of course, “Muslim” blah blah blah. Of course, the reality is that there are plenty of home-grown pieces of crap of […]

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Conservative news outlets falsely claimed Arab “person of interest” in Boston bombing is being deported

Conservative news outlets falsely claimed Arab “person of interest” in Boston bombing is being deported

Shaping the news to fit their own twisted worldview

Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and virtually the entire conservative news/noise machine were lit up today with the news that the Arab national they erroneously described as an FBI “person of interest” was quietly being deported back to Saudi Arabia under questionable circumstances. It started last night when Fox News “expert” Steve Emerson said on Sean Hannity’s show that the young man was being deported. That turned out to be completely false.

Click through for Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano’s complete and utter shredding of a GOP Congressman who bought Beck and Hannity’s lies (and much more.)

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