Tag: charitable giving

Michigan Republican’s ending of tax credits for charitable giving coming home to roost

Michigan Republican’s ending of tax credits for charitable giving coming home to roost

Who woulda thunk it? In 2012, thanks to Republicans ending the tax break Michigan residents can receive for charitable giving, most people predicted that charitable giving would plummet. It wasn’t a risky prediction, of course. It’s common sense. It was a move made by the GOP to pay, in part, for a massive tax break they gave to corporations. Well, […]

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Another GOP casualty: Tax break for charitable giving ends in Michigan on December 31st

You know that gigantic, $1.5 billion dollar tax cut Republicans gave Michigan businesses this year? I’ve been ranting and raving all year about how it was paid for in part by cutting a cool billion out of education. But there’s still half a billion that came from other places. One of the big cuts was to eliminate the tax exemption […]

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