Tag: COVID-19

Stop Shaming Teachers into Reopening Schools

Stop Shaming Teachers into Reopening Schools

A friend of mine made a post on social media last night saying that she “wasn’t angry about people thinking schools should reopen,” and while I admire the measured tone and spirit of cooperation she displayed in her commentary, that sentiment left me feeling uneasy. Because I AM angry about people demanding schools reopen ASAP. I get the frustration, and the […]

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Michigan Republicans make it crystal clear: They are on TEAM COVID

Michigan Republicans make it crystal clear: They are on TEAM COVID

On May 6th, Michigan Republicans sued Governor Gretchen Whitmer to prevent her from taking action to protect Michigan residents from a rampaging coronavirus which causes the all-too frequently fatal COVID-19. By October, the Republican-led state supreme court agreed with them and ended her emergency powers just as another wave of COVID-19 infections was beginning to appear. Since then, Gov. Whitmer […]

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Michigan Republicans shrug at surging COVID hospitalizations and go home until December

Michigan Republicans shrug at surging COVID hospitalizations and go home until December

The surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations in Michigan is creating tragically sad outcomes, particularly on the west side of the state. In Muskegon, where lame duck president Donald Trump held a giant campaign rally less than four weeks ago, the scene at Mercy Hospital is grim: Inside the walls of Mercy Hospital in Muskegon, employees who are “terrified” and untrained are […]

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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Teaching in a Pandemic

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Teaching in a Pandemic

It’s been 8 months now that many of us have been teaching and learning virtually, and I thought it might be time for a little reflection on what has worked out better than we may have expected, what is still a disaster, and everything in between. So, without further ado, I present The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of […]

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Let’s Talk About “Reopening Schools”

Let’s Talk About “Reopening Schools”

Like many of us, I’ve been paying close attention to the various plans and suggestions for “reopening schools” this fall. It’s been more than a tad confusing to track the various recommendations coming from partisan legislative groups, professional associations, school district task forces, and the governor’s advisory board on reopening schools.I wish more than anything that there was more clear […]

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Synopsis of CDC Guidelines for Reopening Schools

Welcome Back to School! But Not So Fast…

As someone who visits a lot of schools each year to observe student teachers and work with my colleagues in the schools, a few thoughts on these newly-released CDC “back to school” guidelines… • kids can’t keep their shoes and socks on for a full school day…masks? • no shared items? everything in school is shared…pencils are shared, books are […]

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“The reports of the death of higher education are greatly exaggerated.”

“The reports of the death of higher education are greatly exaggerated.”

A recent article in New York Magazine predicting the demise of higher education is causing a great deal of anxiety in the professoriate, and for good reason. The author is making some pretty audacious prognostications, and none of them bode well for our profession… enrollments will crater hundreds of colleges will go out of business only a few “elite cyborg […]

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“How Are You Doing With Teaching in This Pandemic?” Not So Well…

“How Are You Doing With Teaching in This Pandemic?” Not So Well…

A friend asked me how I was doing during this pandemic, and I thought I’d share my perspective as a teacher who has struggled to find my footing in our new reality… How am I doing, you ask? To be honest, not well. I’ve been a teacher for 40 years now, and I really love teaching. I love the interactions […]

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This week’s rally at the Michigan Capitol Building wasn’t protesting. It was terrorism.

This week’s rally at the Michigan Capitol Building wasn’t protesting. It was terrorism.

By now you have likely heard about the gathering of a couple hundred self-proclaimed “patriot” protesters who stormed the Capitol Building in Lansing, Michigan yesterday to demand that our Governor loosen restrictions further and earlier than she already has. The restrictions require non-essential workers to stay home and for those who must go out in public to wear masks to […]

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Jon Hoadley, MI-06 Congressional candidate, fights to protect nurses and Michiganders during COVID-19

Jon Hoadley, MI-06 Congressional candidate, fights to protect nurses and Michiganders during COVID-19

Standing with nurses is nothing new for the current State Representative. But he’s pushing to do even more, now and in Congress. Jon Hoadley has always had deep respect and affection for nurses. He’s been recognized by the Michigan Nurses Association (MNA) with their Legislative Champion Award, and has frequently spoken on legislator panels on behalf of nurses throughout his legislative […]

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The GOP wants to steal the November election — and they’ll restart the COVID-19 pandemic to do it

The GOP wants to steal the November election — and they’ll restart the COVID-19 pandemic to do it

And here’s the plan Democrats must embrace to stop them Even if no one dies from the GOP unnecessarily sending Wisconsinites to the polls on Tuesday, it was still a crime against humanity. It was a crime that targeted not only the black and poor voters likely to vote Democratic and the poll workers risking their lives but also, to […]

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