Tag: DFA

Heads up! – DFA scholarships to Netroots Nation and Senate Dems Kick-off Party

Heads up! – DFA scholarships to Netroots Nation and Senate Dems Kick-off Party

By now, you’ve likely heard about Netroots Nation and the fact that the largest annual assembly of progressive activists in the country is happening in Detroit this year. Yesterday, we learned that progressive hero Elizabeth Warren is going to be the keynote speaker, a major coup and a major draw for the event, for sure. There are a couple of […]

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INTERVIEW: Rep. Barb Byrum on being silenced a second time on the House floor yesterday

INTERVIEW: Rep. Barb Byrum on being silenced a second time on the House floor yesterday

Drunk with power, House Republicans continue to silence their opposition

Yesterday the Michigan Legislature met for one day before reconvening again on August 15th. This occasion brought several protests to the Capitol, mainly from groups supporting women’s rights and disgusted with the way female legislators are being treated by their Republican colleagues.

After the jump, details about the protests and interviews with Matt Wall from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) and Democratic Representative Barb Byrum talking about the delivery of 115,000 petition signatures to House Speaker Jase Bolger demanding an apology for his treatment of Rep. Byrum and her colleague Rep. Lisa Brown as well as Rep. Byrum’s account of being prevented from speaking on the floor of the House again yesterday.

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