Tag: Donald Trump

House Republicans repeatedly reminded America yesterday that Michael Cohen lied when he said Trump was not a criminal

House Republicans repeatedly reminded America yesterday that Michael Cohen lied when he said Trump was not a criminal

Not sure how this helps, folks… “You’re about to go to prison for lying. How can we believe anything you say? The answer is we can’t.” That was House Republican Rep. Carol Miller from West Virginia at yesterday’s hearing with Trump fixer Michael Cohen who is going to prison, in part, for lying to Congress in 2017. During the hearing, […]

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While Trump lays down multiple smoke screens to shield them, it’s business as usual for anti-environment, anti-worker, corporatist Republicans

While Trump lays down multiple smoke screens to shield them, it’s business as usual for anti-environment, anti-worker, corporatist Republicans

The Great Orange Smoke Screen The front pages of any major news outlet, online or otherwise, are full of news of Donald Trump and the corrupt, inept-yet-frighteningly-effective cabal of criminals that make up his administration and circle of advisors. Nearly 40 people tied to him, his administration, his inauguration, and his campaign have been indicted and more are sure to […]

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If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Lie: The Trump/DeVos Doctrine of Redefinition

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Lie: The Trump/DeVos Doctrine of Redefinition

Trump and his Republican enablers, like Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, are beginning to realize that they have approximately zero chance of ever winning another election–if held and run fairly–on the issues, so they are scrambling frantically to redefine these issues in a clumsy and desperate effort to confuse and distract voters. Here are just 2 examples; one from national […]

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Let the Gaslighting Commence: Covington Catholic High School Edition

Let the Gaslighting Commence: Covington Catholic High School Edition

Aaaaand, the gaslighting around the Covington Catholic High School controversy has begun. “He wasn’t smirking…he was nervous.” “He was frightened…that man was right in his face!” “There were black Muslims saying awful things to those boys!” “The press is distorting the narrative because of their hatred for Trump!” “Just because those boys were wearing MAGA hats doesn’t mean they were […]

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The Face of Trump’s America

The Face of Trump’s America

If he was just a high school kid who had come face-to-face with an elderly man chanting and banging on a drum, maybe I see confusion, nervousness, and teen awkwardness. As a member of an all-male, overwhelmingly-white group of teenaged boys on a school-sanctioned field trip to protest women’s right to choose, I start seeing a mix of testosterone, adolescent […]

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So, I may not have thought this out… I promised my wife that I’d build a wall around our vegetable garden. She didn’t seem as happy as I thought she’d be. “We don’t need a wall,” she said. “A wall won’t keep the critters out–they’ll just tunnel underneath and still eat my lettuce! And the birds will still swoop down […]

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Trump is a loser and the emergency is that he will never accept this

Trump is a loser and the emergency is that he will never accept this

This is racist crisis that we always expected and Trump needs Before James Comey decided to make Donald Trump president, the GOP nominee’s refusal to say he would concede if defeated occupied much of our political conversation in the closing month of the 2016 election. Since his party suffered its biggest House losses since Watergate, this fear has proven correct. […]

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We Told You…

We Told You…

I’m not here for the impending barrage of heartfelt stories about Trump voters who have now “seen the light,” and suddenly realize that his tax cuts, and tariffs, and gutting of regulations, and pulling out of trade deals around the globe, and manipulation of the SEC and stock market, and threats against judges, and attacks on the press, and government […]

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A little “locker room talk” from a Democrat has Republicans’ ladies undergarments all in a twist

A little “locker room talk” from a Democrat has Republicans’ ladies undergarments all in a twist

Rashida Tlaib had the audacity to invoke what Dan Savage has been saying for two years with his hashtag #ITMFA (“Impeach the motherfucker already”) when she made comments to a group of MoveOn activists yesterday and, to hear the Republicans’ response to it, you’d think she had said it during the half-time show at the Superbowl. “People love you. And […]

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UPDATED: Vice President Mike Pence invites Christian “rabbi” formerly of Jews for Jesus to give the invocation during Michigan campaign stop

UPDATED: Vice President Mike Pence invites Christian “rabbi” formerly of Jews for Jesus to give the invocation during Michigan campaign stop

I don’t know how to describe this exactly. It may be the most insulting thing anyone in the Trump administration or campaign has done to Jewish Americans. Mike Pence invited “Rabbi” Loren Jacobs to give the invocation at his Michigan campaign stop today. Jacobs is actually a Christian who leads a group who call themselves Messianic Jews. He spent eight […]

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BREAKING: “Trump Is A Snob Who Secretly Despises His Supporters,” and other surprises

BREAKING: “Trump Is A Snob Who Secretly Despises His Supporters,” and other surprises

And the guy who opens up a fake “university” and has the chutzpah to name it after himself and slap his name over the door in giant gold letters isn’t a selfless advocate for continuing education who is dedicated to sharing his knowledge of the business world with his “students”–he’s nothing more than a common grifter running an elaborate, audacious […]

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