Tag: GOPocrisy

The White House responds to the new Paul Ryan Plan

The White House responds to the new Paul Ryan Plan

Today’s GOP: redefining the meaning of ‘shared sacrifice’ daily The White House lost no time responding the the GOP’s new budget proposal. David Plouffe sent out an email titled “We did the math” and presented this infographic: Click for larger version The White House, WashingtonGood morning — Every day, you and your family make choices about how you spend your […]

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Hey! Guess who still gets mega tax breaks under the GOP budget plan? BIG OIL!

Hey! Guess who still gets mega tax breaks under the GOP budget plan? BIG OIL!

It’s good to be the king Not only is Paul Ryan’s “Path to Poverty” budget going to give rich people tax breaks and cut benefits to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security while maintaining current levels of military spending, it does something else, too. The GOP budget preserves massive subsidies to Big Oil companies while cutting investments in renewable energy. [I]t […]

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GOP primary candidates: “Obama wants high gas prices because…um…”

GOP primary candidates: “Obama wants high gas prices because…um…”

Dude, that doesn’t even make any sense Mitt Romney claimed this week that the Obama administration wants gas prices to be high: [Romney] called for President Barack Obama to fire what he called the “gas hike trio” of Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson. “These three, this trio of his energy […]

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Rick Santorum: “It should be illegal to read off a teleprompter” a month after he used one a CPAC

Rick Santorum: “It should be illegal to read off a teleprompter” a month after he used one a CPAC

Hypocrisy, thy name is Rick Santorum Good goddess, are you freaking kidding me??? Rick Santorum actually said, “it should be illegal to read off a teleprompter”. No, seriously. You mean like this, Rick, when you were at CPAC? Photo credit: Washington Post Let’s review, from my post last month: Here’s Joe Scarborough with his teleprompters. And Marco Rubio with his. […]

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Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney expose their hypocrisy on use of government money

Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney expose their hypocrisy on use of government money

Hypocrisy, thy name is ‘Santorum’. Wait. It’s ‘Romney’. No, it’s BOTH! Both Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney rant and rave about the use of government funds for all sorts of things. However, neither has much of a leg to stand on in this regard. Rick Santorum took federal funds to home school his kids. As he presses for the conservative […]

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Teleprompters at CPAC 2012???

What the…? Waaaa-aaait a minute. Are those teleprompter screens I see set up in front of the podium at CPAC 2012??? After all their blathering about President Obama’s use of a teleprompter? REALLY???! Yup. Check it out: Here’s Joe Scarborough with his teleprompters. And Rick Santorum with his. And Marco Rubio with his. And House Speaker John Boehner with his. […]

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Setting the record straight about Pete Hoekstra’s racist and inaccurate ad

Lies, damn lies. Take your pick. The racist ad by Senatorial candidate Pete Hoekstra was not just racist. It is based on a complete lie. Here’s what is said in his ad by a woman who is clearly faking her Asian accent in what Hoekstra is calling “satire”: “Thank you, Michigan Senator Debbie Spenditnow. Debbie spend so much American money. […]

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Michigan Republican union-buster & hypocrite Rep. Mike Shirkey violates campaign finance laws

Michigan Republican union-buster & hypocrite Rep. Mike Shirkey violates campaign finance laws

Tut, tut, Mike When I last wrote about Right to Work (for less) cheerleader State Rep. Mike Shirkey, it was it was discovered he took federal Stimulus dollars for his company and then laid people off. Michigan state Representative and advocate for making Michigan a Right to Work for Less state, Mike Shirkey, has been busted for showing higher than […]

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Fred Upton appoints Big Gas lobbyist to position on House Energy and Commerce Committee

Fred Upton appoints Big Gas lobbyist to position on House Energy and Commerce Committee

Another day, another lobbyist appointed to a Congressional position Iraqi war vet and “Friend o’ the blog” John Waltz (pictured right) is running for Congress in Michigan’s 6th district against the pro-Big Oil, pro-Big Business, anti-environment incumbent Fred Upton. This is a good thing because, honestly, Upton is everything we do NOT want in a Congressional Representative. Upton is the […]

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John Boehner: President Obama is “pathetic” and “un-American”

If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say ANYTHING Remember that whole “you must support the president” thing we used to hear incessantly during the Bush administration? Bumper stickers demanding we “support the president”? Then what the hell is THIS? House Speaker John Boehner Tuesday forcefully denounced the Democrats’ campaign theme that they are for the middle class and Republicans […]

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GOP seeks to end limits on ALL corporate campaign donations including to parties & candidates

At the moment, as egregious as the Citizens United Supreme Court decision was, it’s still illegal for corporations to give directly to candidates or political parties. If the GOP has its way, that will end. The century-old ban on corporate donations to federal political campaigns should be junked as unconstitutional, the Republican National Committee argued in a legal brief filed […]

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