Tag: GOPocrisy

The debt ceiling & the individual mandate: how you know GOP negotiators were NEVER serious

With Mitch McConnell’s declaration earlier this year that his main political goal is ensuring that Barack Obama is a one-term president, everything else that has happened since makes sense. But there’s something that happened in the negotiations between the White House, Congressional Democrats and Congressional Republicans that tells you, beyond a doubt and without any room for argument, that the […]

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Breaking election fundraising laws is okay in Michigan – If you are a Republican

Breaking election fundraising laws is okay in Michigan – If you are a Republican

Well, isn’t this special??? Area Democrats want to know why Gov. Rick Snyder used his staff and local county governments to spread invitations to a Grand Traverse County Republican Party fundraiser. Greg Andrews, the governor’s Marquette-based northern Michigan representative, sent an email to local governments that encouraged officials to attend the Governor’s Breakfast on Saturday during the National Cherry Festival. […]

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Haley Barbour condemns Obama administration for not protecting Mississippi from toothpaste

Remember back when the oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico was spewing a skabillion gallons of crude oil into the Gulf every minute? Back then, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour described the oil washing up on his state’s beaches as no worse than toothpaste. Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Director Trudy Fisher said samples of what was apparently the same […]

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Rick Snyder makes another fake “concession” on the Earned Income Tax credit

In late April, I wrote about Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s fake concession on the Earned Income Tax credit (EITC). The EITC is a tax credit that benefits the working poor, especially those with kids, in Michigan. I wrote: In a dramatic concession, he’s agreed to give qualifying families $25 per child . This represents 5.8% of the EITC the average […]

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Boehner mistakenly thinks he’s in a position to bargain on debt ceiling

Since everybody knows Congress has to raise the debt ceiling soon (as opposed to the United States of America defaulting on its loans and creating global economic chaos unseen in history), this is pretty laughable: NEW YORK — House Speaker John A. Boehner defined the GOP’s terms for raising the legal limit on government borrowing Monday, demanding that President Obama […]

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John Boehner, hypocrite and fraud

The Maddow Blog has a great juxtaposition of the steady increase in the number of private sector jobs since Barack Obama took office and John Boehner’s monthly statement about how bad things are. It’s pretty clear that Boehner has basically written the entire year’s worth of statements already because they all sound the same and sound as lame. They are […]

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Mich Gov. Rick Snyder’s fake “concession” on the Earned Income Tax Credit

We could all learn a little bit about negotiating from the Republicans, I suppose. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s proposed budget eliminates the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) which helps the working poor, especially those with kids. In a dramatic concession, he’s agreed to give qualifying families $25 per child . This represents 5.8% of the EITC the average family would […]

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Secession-supporting Texas governor asks for federal aid

Mr. Secessionist himself, Texas Governor Rick Perry is asking for federal help: Gov. Rick Perry has appealed to President Barack Obama to declare the state a major disaster area as wildfires strike or threaten all but two of the state’s 254 counties… A “major disaster declaration” would make the state eligible for help in responding to and recovering from the […]

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What the hell? Are Democrats FINALLY getting it on messaging?

Seriously, who are these people and what have you done with my Democrats? These people appear to have a clue about how to effectively deliver their message with a *punch* and succinctly frame the debates of the day. Here’s Congressman Joe Crowley of New York. You won’t want to miss this. Here’s the message in total: LAST FALL THE AMERICAN […]

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Can the GOP win in a hostage situation without vulnerable hostages?

Last December the Republicans in Congress held unemployed Americans hostage in order to secure tax breaks for the nation’s über-wealthy. It was a strategy that worked because Democrats, including President Obama, were unwilling to sacrifice the welfare of our most-vulnerable citizens simply to win a political battle. Once again the country finds the GOP in a hostage-taking situation. In order […]

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GOP aide sends email blast announcing female colleague’s availability, “She’s a dem, but she’s hot.”

GOP aide sends email blast announcing female colleague’s availability, “She’s a dem, but she’s hot.”

A legislative aide to Michigan State Representative Jeff Farrington, Bryan Brandenburg, sent an email this week announcing a female colleague’s recent break-up, saying, “She’s a dem, but she’s hot.” Instead of sending the email to a small group of Congressional associates, he ended up sending it to every member of the Republican legislative staff. Subject: 25/F/Capitol Building. “Hey guys, “I […]

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