Tag: GOPocrisy

Republicans’ new “budget” proposal institutionalizes “healthcare rationing”

The GOPocrisy rose to Fukushima-type levels this week as the Republicans rolled out their so-called “budget”. Wait, not a budget, a “cause”. First, after beating Democrats about the head and shoulders last fall for daring to propose that Medicare waste be reduced by describing it as “cutting Medicare”, they have the audacity to now propose eliminating Medicare as we know […]

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For tea party Republicans, it’s business as usual — and then some

Nepotism is so offensive that, when you see it, your first instinct is to want to shake someone by the lapels, shake them silly, then throw them out into the street. In this case, it would be Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker lying in the dirt and dust in the road in front of the saloon. It’s good to be born […]

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Rick Scott: Hypocrite of the Week

Florida tea party Governor Rick Scott wins the coveted Hypocrite of the Week Award for passing an emergency order gutting funding for programs helping people with severe mental and physical disabilities on the very same day he appeared at a Special Olympics photo-op and fundraiser. The state Thursday slashed payments for group homes and case workers who help people with […]

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Shared sacrifice in Congress! Deficits must GO!

Shared sacrifice in Congress! Deficits must GO!

With all this talk about deficit reduction these day from both sides of the Congressional aisle, I was interested to learn this morning that there is actually a mechanism for members of Congress to return part of their salary ($174,000 per year for non-leadership positions) to be used toward reducing the deficit. Sure, it would be a token effort; symbolic, […]

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Congressman Tim Walberg blacklisting constituents from his email list?

Congressman Tim Walberg blacklisting constituents from his email list?

Just after Tim Walberg took office this year, I went to his official Congressional website and signed up to receive his constituent emails. I waited and waited and no emails came. Then, one day recently, a friend of mine forwarded his latest email to me with some comments. I checked my email folder. No Walberg email. I checked my spam […]

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The Michigan Governor/Michigan GOP anti-union two-step

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder laid out his plans to force encourage local municipalities and agencies to consolidate services to become more efficient. He’s going so far as to withhold state revenue-sharing funds to force their hand. Gov. Rick Snyder called Monday for local government employees to pay at least 20% of their health insurance premiums, and for less expensive retirement […]

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Oakland County Republicans go for the power grab

In Michigan, counties are reapportioned into districts by Reapportionment Commissions after each census. The Reapportionment Commissions are, by law, required to be made up of the county prosecutor, county treasurer, county clerk, and the two heads of the two county parties that received the most votes in the last election for secretary of state. In Oakland County, Michigan, this means […]

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GOP budget plan will kill Michigan’s workforce development agency

Michigan’s workforce development agency, Michigan Works!, will close its doors if a Republican budget plan passed by the US House of Representatives this week is made into law. Michigan Works would have to shut down under a budget passed by the U.S. House, though the Senate has not backed the spending cuts. The statewide work force development agency, which serves […]

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Mark Williams, tea party idol, openly plans to falsely discredit the SEIU

Mark Williams is a Sacramento-based Rush Limbaugh wannabe. He’s best known for his hypocritical campaign to defeat the so-called “Ground Zero mosque” that was neither at Ground Zero or a mosque. It was particularly hypocritical because, as a tea partier, his credo is typically centered around local control and “State’s Rights”. This does not explain why a west coast talk […]

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Wall Street reform stymied by Republicans (no surprise)

The 211th Congress, under the crack leadership of Nancy Pelosi, passed a Wall Street reform bill that, while fairly tepid in its scope, went much further than any legislation of its kind in decades. It will come as no surprise to you that Republicans are doing everything in their power to make sure Wall Street reform never gets a chance […]

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Arizona sues Big Government for not being Big Government

Ah, this is rich. Jan Brewer, the Arizona governor who cried bloody murder when the federal government intruded on her state’s right to pass the “Papers, Please” law, is suing the federal government for failing to protect Arizonians from an “invasion” of undocumented immigrants. In other words, she wants the federal government to stay out of her state’s business except […]

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