Gun owners: “Our 2nd Amendment rights trump your 1st Amendment rights” in New York
Good for the goose but not for the gander
On December 22nd, The Journal News in an area just outside of New York City published an interactive map of those people in that area holding handgun permits. By clicking on the dots on the map, you could identify the name and address of the people with these permits. As the newspaper said in its piece, “Map: Where are the gun permits in your neighborhood?”, the data does not include owners of rifles or shotguns which can be purchased without a permit. It also “does not mean the individual at a specific location owns a weapon, just that they are licensed to do so.”
The gun fetishists went nuts.
“It’s an invasion of privacy!” they cried.
“It violates my rights!” they whined.
“It’s puts people in danger!” they warned.
Watching them fall all over themselves to put their 2nd Amendment rights above the 1st Amendment rights of the newspaper to share public information has been very illuminating.
Much more after the jump.
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