Tag: Healthcare

Facts about Michigan’s abortion law its supporters don’t want you to know

Facts about Michigan’s abortion law its supporters don’t want you to know

Politicians and special interest groups aren’t telling the whole truth about the law’s impact on women’s health. With the help of an OB/GYN, we set the record straight. People across the country are appalled by the new law passed by the Republican-led Michigan Legislature, based on a petition created by Right to Life of Michigan. The law prohibits all Michigan […]

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Obamacare Friday Update: 680K Private, 2.5M Total & Rising FAST

Obamacare Friday Update: 680K Private, 2.5M Total & Rising FAST

A couple of weeks ago I posted a detailed analysis of how Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) enrollments are going so far. Starting today, every Friday I’ll be posting updated numbers here at Eclectablog. Full details can be viewed daily at ACASignups.net. In a comment from a Mother Jones article about Obamacare enrollments, I received the highest praise I could ever hope for: […]

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How do Republicans solve the problem of poor people w/o health care? Give retired nurses the “freedom to volunteer”!

How do Republicans solve the problem of poor people w/o health care? Give retired nurses the “freedom to volunteer”!

Oh, this is rich The Michigan Republicans have found a way to solve the problem of “indigent and needy individuals or individuals in medically underserved areas of the State”. Is it by offering financial assistance to people without health care? – NO Is it by creating new programs to serve people without health care? – NO Is it by expanding […]

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ACA Private Enrollments Pass 228,000; over 950,000 with Medicaid/SCHIP

ACA Private Enrollments Pass 228,000; over 950,000 with Medicaid/SCHIP

Since the day that the ACA (aka Obamacare) health insurance exchanges launched on October 1st, I’ve been tracking the number of applications, enrollments and Medicaid/SCHIP expansion signups at ACASignups.net. Obviously the first few weeks were, shall we say, rocky. In addition to the now infamous website problems, reporting on the numbers was all over the map as well, with many “serious” […]

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Get Covered America campaign reaches out to Michigan’s Hispanic community

Get Covered America campaign reaches out to Michigan’s Hispanic community

Hispanic leaders joined the campaign to raise awareness about new healthcare options under the Affordable Care Act. Inscríbase América y líderes Hispanos de Michigan unan sus fuerzas para elevar el nivel de conciencia sobre las nuevas opciones de atención médica. Pueden leer una historia sobre esto en Español aquí. With nearly 63,000 eligible Hispanics currently living without insurance in Michigan, […]

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A quick look at the facts: How will Obamacare benefit you?

A quick look at the facts: How will Obamacare benefit you?

The second in a series of posts about the Affordable Care Act, sharing info everyone needs to know. Healthcare is complex. Laws can be confusing. Put the two together, mix in some good old-fashioned misinformation being spread by Obamacare’s opponents and … voila! Complications ensue. But, really, the benefits of Obamacare are pretty straightforward. And they’re pretty cool. Maybe you’re […]

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Experts envision new ways to improve health and wellness

Experts envision new ways to improve health and wellness

The American healthcare system could be headed for a perfect storm, says one expert. And that’s a good thing. Regular readers of Eclectablog know that healthcare is something I write about often. In fact, I’ve been writing about it for more than a decade, long before I became a contributor here. Particularly with the passage of the Affordable Care Act […]

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Fight the falsehoods: Get the facts about Obamacare

Fight the falsehoods: Get the facts about Obamacare

Truth is stronger than fiction. It just needs to speak louder than the absurd. Obamacare’s opponents will say anything — no matter how ridiculously untrue — in an effort to sabotage the law. Worse yet, plenty of people believe the lies. The scare tactics aren’t going to stop the law from being implemented. But they may prevent people from signing […]

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ACTION: Open forum on Michigan Medicaid expansion Monday night

ACTION: Open forum on Michigan Medicaid expansion Monday night

The Michigan Nurses Association, Medicaid Expansion Now Coalition and MICHUHCAN invite legislators and the public to an educational forum. Medicaid expansion is still waiting for a vote in the Michigan Senate. And although a Senate workgroup has developed a revised version of the bill approved by the House weeks ago, there’s no guarantee of a swift vote. In fact, there […]

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Funding for Michigan health centers will help the uninsured find coverage

Funding for Michigan health centers will help the uninsured find coverage

Obama administration awards $3.8 million to provide enrollment assistance in Michigan. Here’s more proof that Obamacare is right on track — and doing exactly what it should. Last week, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced $3,782,688 in grant awards to Michigan health centers. These funds will help the health centers enroll uninsured Michiganders in new health coverage […]

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Obamacare isn’t going anywhere — and it’s as healthy as ever

Obamacare isn’t going anywhere — and it’s as healthy as ever

Republicans aren’t telling the truth about Obamacare. So what else is new? Ever since the news broke that the Obama Administration is delaying the mandate requiring employers to provide health insurance to their employees until 2015, the GOP has been salivating over the news like a junkyard dog that hasn’t eaten in weeks. They see it as an “admission” from […]

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