Tag: Karl Rove

UPDATED: Karl Rove’s American Crossroads poll says Land up over Peters, Dem strongholds under-represented

UPDATED: Karl Rove’s American Crossroads poll says Land up over Peters, Dem strongholds under-represented

You can’t unskew a poll this skewed up Updated twice below. Karl Rove, the man who was absolutely certain that Mitt Romney was going to pull out an astonishing victory over Barack Obama despite all evidence to the contrary, has commissed a new series of polls that say Republicans are going to take back the Senate. Michigan was among the […]

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Karl Rove figured out how Barack Obama won on Tuesday: Voter suppression. I’m not kidding.

Karl Rove figured out how Barack Obama won on Tuesday: Voter suppression. I’m not kidding.

Aw geez, Karl. Just shut the hell up, wouldjya?

Karl Rove (aka “Turdblossom” and “Bush’s Brain”) has figured out how President Barack Obama managed to win re-election this year: Voter suppression.

No, seriously.

Details and Karl Rove-induced hilarity after the jump.

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The Republican freakout over Chrysler’s Clint Eastwood Super Bowl ad – UPDATED

Sometimes the truth hurts Republicans around the country are freaking over Chrysler’s Super Bowl half-time ad that was narrated by Clint Eastwood. Here is the ad, in case you missed it: Karl Rove had this to say about it: The President of the United States’ political minions are, in essence, using our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising and the […]

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