Tag: Lawrence O’Donnell

Pete Hoeksta’s “Yellow Girl” apologizes

Pete Hoeksta’s “Yellow Girl” apologizes

Now let that be a lesson to you The 21-year old actress that was in Pete Hoekstra’s racist campaign ad, described in his now-defunct website’s code as “Yellow Girl” (which their web team disingenously/laughingly describes as “a typo”), has apologized. Via the Angry Asian Man blog: The 21-year-old actress just released the following statement on her Facebook page expressing regret […]

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Lawrence O’Donnell: What you are seeing is the most masterful rope-a-dope ever seen by a president

This made me go to bed late last night. Brilliant analysis. Whenever I find myself doubting what the president is doing, I’m always reassured by recalling how many previous times I have had those doubts only to be shown by the end that his strategy was brilliant and successful, achieving the best possible results given the situation. The debt ceiling […]

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Rep. Steve King: Criticism of Obama’s religion has “accelerated his church-going”

Congressman Steve King, Republican conservative from Iowa, has spent an enormous amount of time casting doubt on President Obama’s religion. Tonight, on Lawrence O’Donnell’s Last Word, O’Donnell played a clip where Representative King said that the President doesn’t have an “American experience”. Then, during the interview, King dropped this unbelievable bit of insulting idiocy: “The President stood in Cairo and […]

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