Mitt Romney’s Not-So Super Tuesday

Mitt Romney’s Not-So Super Tuesday

Good Luck Tonight. Really. As Republicans in ten states take their turn at reluctantly accepting the creator of Obamacare as the GOP standard-bearer against President Obama, the actual President took the stage in the White House briefing room. He announced new help for veterans and millions of homeowners then took some questions from the press corp. Deftly, he explained to […]

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Predictions: Super Tuesday

Predictions: Super Tuesday

Time to ship the Santorum Surge to the Smithsonian’s collection of Unfortunate Metaphors   -Follow @DemocratMachine With Eric Cantor, Tom Coburn and John Ashcroft’s endorsements, Barbara Bush making robocalls and the Drudge Report ignoring the biggest story of the campaign, the GOP establishment is determined to make Super Tuesday Mitt Romney’s big night. And it will probably work. I think […]

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LOLGOP liveblog of Super Tuesday primary TOMORROW 5 pm ET + Eclectablog news

LOLGOP liveblog of Super Tuesday primary TOMORROW 5 pm ET + Eclectablog news

Meta me this First, a big welcome to our many new Eclectablog fans. We’ve seen explosive growth of Eclectablog in the past couple of months. Last month we had nearly 65,000 unique visits and we are on track to break the 100,000/month milestone in March. We appreciate your visits and, more importantly, your comments and insights. Tomorrow, starting at 5 […]

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LOLGOP Winner: Rush Limbaugh

LOLGOP Winner: Rush Limbaugh

You’re sorry Congratulations to Rush Limbaugh, winner of the first LOLGOP. Rush loves attention. But he may have overdosed this week. You know that last week Rush spent three shows calling law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute” because Ms. Fluke chose to assert in public that birth control is part of basic women’s health care. The idea […]

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How Drudge Saves Mitt

How Drudge Saves Mitt

How Mitt Romney hides his Mitt Romney-ness Imagine clicking on the DrudgeReport and seeing this: MITT ROMNEY SUPPORTED INDIVIDUAL MANDATE FOR OBAMACARE It would be the end of Mitt Romney’s campaign. Why? Last year, as pundits wondered how the man who implemented an universal health care plan nearly identical to Obamacare could win the GOP nomination, Mitt Romney had an […]

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Mitt Romney Sets a New Flip Flop Record

Mitt Romney Sets a New Flip Flop Record

We used to call it lying This afternoon, I was alarmed to learn that Mitt Romney had taken a sensible position. He said that he opposed the so-called Blunt Amendment the US Senate Amendment. This amendment allows any employer to deny birth control to his employees based on religious beliefs. If Republicans spoke to their wives (or smart women like […]

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Liveblog: Michigan (and Maybe a Little Arizona) GOP Primary

Liveblog: Michigan (and Maybe a Little Arizona) GOP Primary

Basically, Mitt Romney has already lost Michigan. In 2008, Mitt Romney won the GOP primary in the state where he was born—the state where his father was governor for three terms—easily. And as of last night’s polls, Mitt was losing to Santorum by a point, knowing that Rick Santorum has outperformed polls consistently in this primary. Despite any mischief and […]

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The GOP Can’t Deny Its Extremism (Anymore)

The GOP Can’t Deny Its Extremism (Anymore)

America just isn’t that into the 1 percent We let the GOP pretend they’re for small government, even though they don’t believe in the separation of uterus and state. We let them say they’re conservative, when they want to pre-emptively start new wars. We let them say that they care about the American Dream, as they try to destroy the […]

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Live LOLing the GOP Debate. Tonight. 8 PM EST/ 5 PM PST. CNN.

Live LOLing the GOP Debate. Tonight. 8 PM EST/ 5 PM PST. CNN.

A crisis counselor will be on hand for John King USA Sit down. I have news. This will likely be the last GOP debate of 2012.  And it’s a sit down debate. Yes. The last one is a sit-down affair. Or as Newt Gingrich calls it, home court. Never again will we see the adept intellects the GOP can gather […]

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Mitt Romney Has Moral Obligation to Edit His Website

Mitt Romney Has Moral Obligation to Edit His Website

Mitt must be making millions shorting his own campaign on Intrade Check out this graphic that has been prominently placed on Mitt Romney’s website for months:   It’s a pretty clear message. He’s not like the Republicans who blew the surplus and refused to pay for an expansion to Medicare or two wars. He’s special because he can balance a […]

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3 Charts that Prove that Anyone Who Says the Stimulus Didn’t Work is Lying

3 Charts that Prove that Anyone Who Says the Stimulus Didn’t Work is Lying

If a Republican had nearly doubled the Dow and gotten bin Laden and Qaddafi, he’d already be on the dime The good news is: The people who still propagandize against the Stimulus are only doing so because their paycheck or their sanity depends upon it. The fact is: The Stimulus has had the singularly most impressive positive effect on the […]

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