Tag: Lord’s Resistance Army

More on Lord’s Resistance Army w/ a video response to Limbaugh from an LRA survivor

As I wrote yesterday, Rush Limbaugh criticized President Obama for sending 100 of our troops to Africa to help rid the planet of some of the most evil people alive. Here’s what he said: Now, up until today, most Americans have never heard of the combat Lord’s Resistance Army. And here we are at war with them. Have you ever […]

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Why the HELL did Obama put troops in Africa? I’ll tell you why.

President Obama put troops into Africa to rid the planet and the area around Uganda & Sudan of one of the most evil groups of terrorists you’re likely to ever learn about. From a Christianity Today article from 2006: Sixty years after Allied soldiers liberated the Nazi death camps, the world stands silent in the face of another holocaust—one so […]

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