Tag: Michigan

Tea partiers outnumbered 10-to-1 by labor ralliers once again

It’s beginning to become a bit of trend here in Michigan: tea partiers have a rally that is dwarfed by a liberal/Democratic/labor rally. This week was no exception. Yesterday, the biggest protest rally yet by union members on the steps of the State Capitol building drew an estimated 4,500 attendees. Thousands rally at Capitol against Michigan budget, cuts to education, […]

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82 Detroit bus drivers called in sick to join the protest rally in Lansing today

Over 80 bus drivers in Detroit got the “flu” today so they could join the We Are the People protest rally happening at the Capitol building in Lansing. Extra delays of 30 minutes or more for city bus riders will be the norm today after more than 80 Detroit Department of Transportation drivers called in sick to join protests in […]

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Wolverine Power’s zombie coal-fired plant rises from the dead in Michigan

In May of last year, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment (MDNRE) denied a permit for the Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative, Inc. to build a new coal-fired power plant in Rogers City, Michigan. Celebrated as a WIN for environmentalists fighting climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions and for those pushing for Michigan to adopt cleaner energy sources, the celebration has […]

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Michigan Republicans score a win against their own governor, protect senior and tea party vote

There’s more to this than meets the eye. Snyder, Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and House Speaker Jase Bolger are expected to confirm a compromise that would phase in Snyder’s proposed tax on pensions and delay by one year a scheduled decrease in the income tax. The proposed deal would phase in the planned income tax for public and private […]

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We Are the People Rally at Michigan Capitol Building tomorrow (4/13/2011)

I’m a little late getting these details out but here is the information I have on the We Are the People rally tomorrow, Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at the State Capitol Building. WE ARE THE PEOPLE RALLY AT STATE CAPITOLA broad coalition of students, seniors, workers to protest Gov. Snyder’s budget plan WHAT: Rally to protest Gov. Rick Snyder’s budget […]

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Koch Brothers-funded Americans for Prosperity enters NITC/DRIC bridge fight in Michigan

The battle between backers of a new, publicly-owned bridge to Canada (including Governor Rick Snyder) and those who oppose it (including Manuel “Matty” Moroun, the owner of the current bridge, the Ambassador Bridge) just took a turn for the weird and expensive with Koch Brothers-funded Americans for Prosperity entering the fray: A pro-business, anti-government group known as Americans for Prosperity […]

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GOP aide sends email blast announcing female colleague’s availability, “She’s a dem, but she’s hot.”

GOP aide sends email blast announcing female colleague’s availability, “She’s a dem, but she’s hot.”

A legislative aide to Michigan State Representative Jeff Farrington, Bryan Brandenburg, sent an email this week announcing a female colleague’s recent break-up, saying, “She’s a dem, but she’s hot.” Instead of sending the email to a small group of Congressional associates, he ended up sending it to every member of the Republican legislative staff. Subject: 25/F/Capitol Building. “Hey guys, “I […]

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More on Rep. Ray Franz, the idiot who wants to ban offshore windpower in Michigan

Just to recap: Michigan Congressman Ray Franz is an idiot. Michigan Congressman Ray Franz is an idiot that wants to ban (BAN!) offshore wind energy in Michigan. While the rest of the world is diversifying their energy portfolio to include renewable energy sources, Michigan Congressman Ray Franz (an idiot) wants to take us backwards. Why does Congressman Franz want to […]

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Michigan Republicans introduce bill to ban offshore wind turbines in Michigan

I know you think this is an April Fool’s Day joke. It’s not. Michigan Republican Ray Franz has introduced House Bill No. 4499 which literally prohibits off-shore wind development in Michigan. The department shall not enter into a lease or deed that allows the use of unpatented lands for the siting, placement, construction, operation, or maintenance of any structure to […]

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This is how bad it’s gotten: Snyder taking advice from Ted Nugent

How on earth does an idiot like Ted Nugent get face time with the Governor of Michigan? “Michigan has so many opportunities that are not being utilized because of so many silly, illogical, antiscience regulations that represent a blockade to sportsmen,” Nugent said at the Capitol before meeting Snyder. He said Michigan should allow more bear-hunting licenses and stop trying […]

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Michigan Dems release powerful video – “Governor Snyder’s 1st 3 Months on the Job”

I frequently criticize the Michigan Dems for their approach and tactics but they scored a home run with this new ad/video called “Governor Snyder’s First Three Months on the Job”. I apologize to those with crappy innernetz connections or video-blocking firewalls. The video is essentially a montage of news reports about Snyder signing the Emergency Financial Manager bill into law, […]

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