Tag: Michigan

MI House candidate: “OFA is the equiv. of the brown shirts”

MI House candidate: “OFA is the equiv. of the brown shirts”

Dave Franklin is running for the Michigan House of Representatives seat in Michigan’s 54th district, a seat currently held by Michigan gubernatorial candidate Alma Wheeler Smith. Dave Franklin hates him some government. And Dave Franklin especially hates him some Democratic Party grassroots organizers. Yesterday, on the Facebook page for a Tea Party protest on the campus of the University of […]

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The legendary hypocrisy and lies of Tim Walberg

The legendary hypocrisy and lies of Tim Walberg

It’s masochism on my part, I suppose, but I have gotten on the email lists of the two leading GOP contenders who are seeking the nomination to challenge Congressman Mark Schauer (MI-07) this November. The leading leading contender is an odious man named Tim Walberg who held the position for only one term before being sent packing in 2008. His […]

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PHOTOS (lots) – OFA says THANKS to Congressmen Dingell & Schauer

PHOTOS (lots) – OFA says THANKS to Congressmen Dingell & Schauer

Yesterday morning, Organizing for America (OFA) held an event at the Ann Arbor Community Center to thank Congressmen John Dingell (MI-15) and Mark Schauer (MI-07) for their leadership and votes on the recently-enacted health insurance reform law. The two men represent opposite ends of Congressional spectrum. Congressman Dingell has served longer than any current member of the House of Representatives. […]

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Another day, another THREE teabagger articles in my paper

Well, not MY newspaper but the Gannett paper in the town where I work (Howell), the Livingston County Daily Press & Argus. As I mentioned in my blog the other day (It’s not just FOX News, People), the Press & Argus is doing their damndest to promote the teabaggers. That day there were two articles about the teabaggers, one on […]

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They throw bricks, we throw a BIG party!

They throw bricks, we throw a BIG party!

Click on the photo then click “View Large” for a larger version When President Obama signed into law of the health insurance reform law last week, the most historic piece of social legislation in decades, those on the right threw a fit. Some of them actually threw bricks. We, on the other hand, threw a damn party. A BIG party! […]

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Push in Michigan to opt-out of health insurance reform law

Michigan’s been in the news a LOT lately. From our governor forcing the Att. Gen. to intervene against himself to Militiamen Gone WildTM, things are a bit crazy. Now come the Howell Teabaggers: Starting Monday, Livingston County will be “ground zero” for an effort to place a proposal for Michigan to opt out of federal health-care law on the November […]

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Michigan Congressmen Schauer and Peters receive threatening calls

The Detroit Free Press is reporting that Michigan 7th District Congressman Mark Schauer received a threatening phone message on Thursday: Another Michigan congressman says he has received violent messages following his vote in favor of health care reform legislation. U.S. Rep. Mark Schauer, D-Battle Creek, said Thursday a caller from outside his district left a message saying, “I hope you […]

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Mich. Governor directs AG to intervene against HIMSELF!

As I wrote yesterday, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, also a Republican candidate for governor, has joined in a lawsuit with 12 other state Attorneys General that contends the health insurance reform LAW is unconstitutional. This has made Governor Michigan Jennifer Granholm very unhappy. So, in her capacity as governor, she has directed Cox to intervene on behalf of the […]

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Michigan AG joins lawsuit against health insurance reform LAW

Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox is joining 12 other state Attorneys General across the country in a suit claiming the new federal health-care reform LAW is unconstitutional. (Let’s none of us forget that this is now a LAW and was signed by the president who is a Constitutional lawyer.) I guess Mr. Cox feels Michigan has money to burn. Given […]

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A lesson for Congressional Dems: the story of Weston Vivian

I had an interesting experience phonebanking for OFA in Ann Arbor this week. One of the names that popped up on my list of calls was Weston Vivian, male, age 85. It was probably the most inspirational call I made all week. Weston Vivian was a U.S. Congressman from Michigan’s 2nd District from 1965-1967. As he told me during our […]

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Schauer supporters outnumber protesters FIVE to one!

Schauer supporters outnumber protesters FIVE to one!

It must be tough being an MI-07 Republican these days. After organizing a “CODE RED!!!” protest against Rep. Mark Schauer, they ended up being out-numbered by Schauer supporters at least five-to-one on the day of the event. I think this sign says it all:Michigan OFA Director, Garrett Arwa and friend Yes, folks, it was “CODE RED!!!” “On the verge of […]

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