Tag: Mike Nofs

Michigan Republican grovels before his corporate puppet masters, introduces resolution to create “Corporate Citizenship Day”

Michigan Republican grovels before his corporate puppet masters, introduces resolution to create “Corporate Citizenship Day”

This is becoming indecent… It’s no secret that Michigan Republicans are deeply in the pocket of corporations in our state. One of their first orders of business after taking control of our state government in 2010 was to pass a massive tax cut for corporations paid for by raising the taxes of over half of the residents in our state […]

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Yet more Michigan Republican face recalls

Michigan Senator Judy Emmons (R-Sheridan) from Michigan’s 33rd Senate District has had recall paperwork filed against her. Recall fever in Michigan is now targeting state Sen. Judy Emmons. On Wednesday, the Sheridan Republican became the latest state lawmaker who might be subjected to a recall election. Montcalm County officials received petition language in the mail seeking her ouster for supporting […]

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