Tag: Now THAT’S Cool

What do I MAKE? I’m a teacher and I make a goddamn difference. Now what about you???

Beautiful. Spend three quality minutes with this video. A response from a teacher to a patronizing jerk who asked him, “You’re a teacher, Taylor. Be honest. What do you make?” In addition to being a teacher, Taylor Mali is a slam poet. His website is here. Here’s a transcript of the video (link). He says the problem with teachers is, […]

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Horsey fun

Horsey fun

Reader janicket (who often comments here) claimed her horse liked to play with the broom and pretend to sweep the stall. I challenged her to provide proof and told her I’d make that horse an internet star. Well, here’s the proof: Wait, is he saying “neener, neener, neener!”??? I’m pretty sure he is. More photos HERE. I’m just sayin’…

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Its been a fine week, hasn’t it? In the space of less than three weeks, Egyptians managed a non-violent transition of power that has the promise of a true democracy forming in the coming year. Other countries, inspired by the Egyptians’ magnificent accomplishment, are moving in a similar way, hopefully in the same non-violent fashion. We had an amazingly warm […]

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Comic artist pwns hateful homophobic bigots – world laughs

Comic artist pwns hateful homophobic bigots – world laughs

I can’t even begin to express how absolutely full of awesome this is. There’s an online comic I read regularly called Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal that’s drawn by Zach Weiner. It’s a rather bizarro comic, lots of science fictiony type stuff, generally hysterical. Not long ago, he ran this comic: The odious homophobic, anti-gay, anti-same sex marriage group, National Organization […]

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The white deer herds of northern Wisconsin

The white deer herds of northern Wisconsin

My friend Carol sent me this and it’s way, way cool. In northern Wisconsin, there are herds of white deer. They are true abino deer though they do not have pink eyes. They do have pink ears, pink hooves and pink noses. They even have white velvet in the springtime. They are beautiful. Native Americans considered them spiritually significant. They […]

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The crazy hiking trails of Mt. Hua Shan

The crazy hiking trails of Mt. Hua Shan

Mount Hua Shan, in China, has some of the craziest hiking trails you have ever seen. Check it out: From Teh WikiGodsTM: There are two walking trails leading to Huashan’s North Peak (1613 m), the lowest of the mountain’s five major peaks. The most popular is the traditional route in Hua Shan Yu (Hua Shan Gorge) first developed in the […]

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Jetpacks are here – REAL jetpacks

Jetpacks are here – REAL jetpacks

You know how you’ve been waiting for your jetpack? You know, a REAL jetpack that can go for at least a half hour and go over 30 miles? Well, it’s here. Introducing the Martin Jetpack: All for the low, low price of [gulp] $100,000. I thought they would be smaller. And quieter. I’m so picky. Video HERE. I’m just sayin’…

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Spanair: Best marketing event ever!

Coolest marketing idea ever by a company that is clearly thinking outside of the box: Spanair. And they truly seem to love their customers. The airline put together Christmas gifts together for an entire jetful of Christmas Day passengers. As they waited for their luggage, Christmas presents started coming out. With the passengers’ names on them. The best part was […]

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A blizzard in 38 seconds

The latest viral video. Ya know, cuz all the cool kidz are will be doing it. It’s a New York blizzard in 38 seconds. I’m just sayin’…

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Michelle Obama helps out Santa Claus

Michelle Obama helps out Santa Claus

I have adored Michelle Obama from the moment I first heard about her and her amazing life. I am particularly enamored of her connection with children; both her own and the children of the USA in general. But, honestly, how cool is this? On Christmas Eve, the First Lady spent about 40 minutes talking to kids who were tracking Santa […]

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Wow! Super eclipse photo

Wow! Super eclipse photo

This is, by far, the sweetest eclipse photo I’ve seen of last night’s total lunar eclipse: Total lunar eclipse abovethe Washington Monument.Photo by Katherine Frey | Washington Post The eclipse last night was a rare confluence of a total lunar eclipse with the winter solstice. The last time that happened was in 1638. Be sure to mark your calendars now […]

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