Tag: Now THAT’S Cool

Oh Yeah, Baby – Rothbury is ON!!!

Oh Yeah, Baby – Rothbury is ON!!!

There was a LOT of talk after last year’s Rothbury Festival that it wouldn’t happen again. The guy who owns the ranch where it was held was in all sorts of legal/bankruptcy trouble, etc. But, it looks like things have cleared and Rothbury is ON! If you’d like to read my review of Rothbury, you can find it HERE. My […]

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Two in Two Million – Our Inauguration Adventure

Two in Two Million – Our Inauguration Adventure

Mrs. E has put together an AMAZING slideshow using her own photos (with a few of mine) and music and recordings we made during our trip. It’s 20 minutes long but I think you’ll enjoy it. Grab a beverage and enjoy… (Click the image below and it will take you to a new page where you’ll need to hit the […]

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Honey, I Shrunk the President

Honey, I Shrunk the President

University of Michigan mechanical engineering professor John Hart has downsized our president. He’s nanosized him, in fact. In the picture below, each Obama face is only 500 microns wide. According to Hart’s website: Each face is made of approximately 150 million tiny carbon nanotubes; that’s about how many Americans voted in the 2008 presidential election. I wonder if the AP […]

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Science Has Returned to the White House

Science Has Returned to the White House

With the appointment of Steven Chu to head the Department of energy, a Nobel Laureate and emminent physicist, Science returned to the White House after a long hiatus. I’ll show how revolutionary the concept of a scientist in this position is in a minute. But first, as we welcome Science back into the White House, formerly invited there by our […]

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Bill Gates is Brilliant

I love this. The guy is geeky-brilliant, uber-wealthy, and has a gigantic heart. Bill Gates’ campaign to wipe out malaria just took a funny step forward. LONG BEACH, California (AFP) – Microsoft founder turned disease-battling philanthropist Bill Gates loosed mosquitoes at an elite Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) Conference to make a point about the deadly sting of malaria. “Malaria is […]

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Famous Savants

I just got lost on this site: 10 Most Fascinating Savants in the World. I knew some of this but I was completely blown away by what I read there. Put this one on the “highly recommended websites” list. I’m just sayin’…

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It’s A New Day

I just can’t seem to get enough of this song these days. Tryin’ ta figger out how to make it my iPhone ringtone… Nevermind. Thanks to Luke the MoominMan, I now have this as my ringtone using iRinger which is specially designed for iPhones. On Macs, you can use Garage Band. I’m just sayin’…

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Mrs. E on the Radio

WJR is the biggest news/talk radio station in Michigan and has a powerful signal that stretches across the Midwest. Mrs. E did an interview with Warren Pierce on Monday morning during the Paul W. Smith show. Doing a 6-minute interview at 7:15 a.m. which is prime drive-time for the morning commute in the Detroit area is A-OK. You can listen […]

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Ben Franklin’s Glass Armonica

Just saw this over at TYWKIWDBI (“Things you wouldn’t know if we didn’t blog it”), my latest must-visit-daily blog. It’s a glass armonica played by someone dressed as Ben Franklin and very good at it. The glass armonica operates on the same principle as making a wine glass sing by rubbing a wetted finger around the rim. Benjamin Franklin mounted […]

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Michael Oliveri is digital artist who has collaborated with materials scientist Zhengwei Pan to create marvelous nanoscapes; images taken by a scanning electron microscope of structures that are microns or nanometers in length. The balls in this picture are germanium and the wires are zinc oxide. They were fabricated inside a tube furnace system at temperature of 900-1000 Celsius degree. […]

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Cellulosic Ethanol is On The Way or “OHMYGOD this is Awesome!!!”

The December 8, 2008 issue of Chemical & Engineering News, the weekly publication of the American Chemical Society, has a terrific piece by Stephen K. Ritter called “Genes to Gasoline”. It details recent advances in ethanol produced from non-food cellulosic sources and it should give all of us a sense of excitement about what’s possible from just this one energy […]

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