Tag: Obama

Delivering Michigan For Obama – The “Youth Vote”

I’m looking at three separate pieces of information about the presidential race in Michigan and, taken as a whole, they point to very good news for the Obama campaign in November: 1. The registration of young people is HUGE and getting HUGER.2. The percentage of young people who voted in the primary in Michigan was much larger than usual this […]

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This one might just leave a mark. Oh, and by the way, it was created by a “concerned citizen”. It didn’t come from the Obama campaign. With friends like these, he’s in VERY good shape. I’m just sayin’…

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Obama Drinks McCain’s Milkshake

While it’s a pretty easy target these days to hit, this right harr is a piece of awesomeness. How people can listen to McCain and then listen to Obama and come away thinking McCain and Palin are the best two people to run this country when it is in such dire need of strong leadership, I absolutely will never understand. […]

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McCain: King of Inconsistency

No, I’m not talking about flip-flops. Flip-flops, schmip-flops. I’m talking about how he feels about Barack Obama. First he spends pretty much the entire campaign saying Obama hasn’t had any significant impact in the Senate so far, that he voted “present” all the time. Okay, I’m with you, John. It’s true that Barack has not spent anywhere near the time […]

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The Pathetic John McCain

Seems like Barack Obama has started to find the whole McPalin campaign a little pathetic. I love this passive-aggressive slam: This morning Senator McCain gave a speech in which his big solution to this worldwide economic crisis was to blame me for it. This is a guy who’s spent nearly three decades in Washington, and after spending the entire campaign […]

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I Know You Are But What Am I???

Senator McCain finally admitted today that Senator Obama did not call Sarah Palin a pig. Then when he was asked about his LIE that Governor Palin had never asked for any earmarks as governor (she asked for $200 million worth, actually), his response? That Senator Obama had asked for more. Notice that diversion? Doesn’t address the fact that he lied. […]

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Keeping Michigan Blue

Another night of phone banking last night and another full house. Our township leadership team and their volunteers have had to move our twice-weekly phone bank to a new location in Ann Arbor due to an overwhelming response and, last night, we ran out of phones at the new location! People are just showing up to say, “what can I […]

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Palin is Invigorating the Obama Campaign!

I walked into the local Democratic Party offices last night, on a day of disappointing national poll numbers for the Obama campaign, prepared to see a team of sullen phone-bankers. Boy, was I wrong. Rather than being dejected about McCain’s poll bump, our volunteers were more excited than ever to talk to undecided voters. Because mixed in with the news […]

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You Don’t Call That Maverick…

…You call it more of the same. Awesome ad from the Obama campaign. My wife and I have decided to make up new bumperstickers that say: Being Out of Touch Doesn’t Make You a Maverick. Absolutely stunning editorial by Frank Rich of the New York Times this week. Lots and lots of money quotes. Here’s a choice selection. We still […]

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They Must Think You’re Stupid!

“I mean, c’mon! They must think you’re stupid!” Actually, I’m pretty sure they do… He also said of Sarah Palin: “Don’t be fooled,” Obama told the crowd surrounding him in a large barn. “John McCain’s party, with the help of John McCain, has been in charge” for nearly eight years. “I know the governor of Alaska has been saying she’s […]

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Palin: Fundraiser Extraordinaire

Governor Sarah Palin has proven to be quite a fundraiser for the McCain campain, bringing in around a million bucks the day after her speech. Unfortunately for Senator McCain, she’s an even MORE effective fundraiser for the Obama campaign! Barack Obama’s presidential campaign said it raised $10 million Thursday following the Republican National Convention speech by rival John McCain’s running […]

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