Tag: Obama

Obama: Brilliant WITHOUT the Teleprompter

“Look, I’ve been called worse on the basketball court.” Awesome. Biden, Obama, and McCain are all doing the talk show circuit this weekend. Sarah Fey Palin? Uh…not. She’s got a LOT of homework to do between now and October 2nd when she debates Joe Biden. That’s gonna be an amazing event. Ms. Palin’s got some work to do, methinks. No […]

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What a Difference a Week Makes

What a Difference a Week Makes

A week ago, Gallup had McCain up by 2. Today, down by 8: It’s also the first time either of them has hit 50%. Rasmussen has him at 51%. Also, I had read that some bloggers were questioning whether or not Republican vice-presidential nominee, Sarah Palin, was the actual mother of the baby she had in April, Trig. What I […]

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Obama Detroit Rally Panoramic Image

Mrs. E shot the Obama rally today in Detroit for the Detroit News. You can take a look at her pano HERE. I’m in it but you’ll never find me. I was standing in front of the media stand recording the sound. Pass it on to your friends and family ;D I’m just sayin’…

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Good News for the Democrats

Obama’s speech last night was watched by 38 MILLION people. That’s huge. Very, very huge actually. Only 28 million people watched the closing ceremony of the Olympics this year, the biggest night of the entire Games. This is good for the Dems because it gave them a chance to show the country that their candidate is tough, smart, and down-to-earth. […]

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Absolutely Brilliant

Absolutely Brilliant

Dave Stewart, guitar player for the Eurythmics, along with Bono, has put together a really wonderful summation of why so many of us in America are so very, very excited about the candidacy and presidency of Senator Barack Obama. I just really think this is totally cool. More on the background of this video and song and the collaboration of […]

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The Art of the Positive Campaign Ad

This is how it’s done. I’m just sayin’…

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The Art of the Awesome Campaign

Who’s straight-talking whom??? This is positively brilliant. Senator Obama speaks truth to conservatives and Republicans who think it’s funny to mock a very simple thing every single one of us can do that has the potential to save a tremendous amount of petroleum: keeping our car’s and truck’s tires properly inflated. Money line: “It’s like they take pride in being […]

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Obama: You Want Specifics, Well Here are Some Specifics

This is a great run-down on Senator Obama’s comprehensive energy plan. It makes Senator McCain’s shrill “Drill! Drill! Drill!” mantra seem childish. Now if I can just figure out why he’s not just clobbering McCain in the polls. I actually think it may have something to do with the fact that people using cell phones aren’t polled. Oh, this little […]

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Infanticide? Really? Oh Puh-LEEEEZE!

THIS ought to be good. Smearing a man with two young children as “pro-infanticide”? Are they really going to go there? “Nuffin’”. That’s what they got. I’m just sayin’…

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Not Running FOR President

Consider this: In the past few months, Senator McCain has put out a slew of political ads. The total amount of time in the last eight was 16 minutes and 35 seconds. Of that, 14 minutes and three seconds was spent talking about Senator Obama. This week he’s been spending $140,000 a DAY to run that ridiculous Britney Spears/Paris Hilton […]

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Obama: Not Fat Enough to be President

My God. I never though of THIS. “Listen, I’m skinny but I’m tough,” Sen. Obama said. But in a nation in which 66% of the voting-age population is overweight and 32% is obese, could Sen. Obama’s skinniness be a liability? Despite his visits to waffle houses, ice-cream parlors and greasy-spoon diners around the country, his slim physique just might have […]

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