Tag: Outrage-Paying Attention-Yada Yada

WSJ: Non-Christians Have Ruined the Economy

I’ve read and re-read this editorial column by Daniel Henninger and the only synopsis I can come up with is simply that, according to him, “Non-Christians Have Ruined the Economy”. Henninger, a Pulitzer Prize-winning deputy editor for the Wall Street Journal‘s editorial page, in a bizarrely convoluted series of steps, links the move away from saying “”Merry Christmas” to the […]

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The Bush Pillage Continues

It is sooooo good to be the king[‘s bankers]. For example, you can get a handout from the tax-payers of America to the tune of $154 BILLION and turn around and give your execs $504 MILLION in bonuses. Now that is sweet, you have to admit. That’s what you can do if you’re AIG, for example. And why can you […]

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The Ann Arbor News Endorses NOBODY!!!

I heard this today at our canvass headquarters but I couldn’t believe it until I actually read it. But yes, it’s true: FOR PRESIDENT: FLAWED CANDIDATES, NO ENDORSEMENTby the Ann Arbor News. That’s right. The Ann Arbor News. For the past week the News has been endorsing Democrats of all kinds. Carl Levin for U.S. Senate. Mark Schauer for the […]

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Found: A Man With No Shame

Nicked from Andrew Sullivan. This is positively amazing. Some douchebag named Dan Riehl actually blogged this about Senator Obama’s visit to see his dying grandmother. She’s not expected to make it until the election in which the grandson she helped raise is chosen to be the president of the United States of America. He actually wrote this for all to […]

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‘Osama’ Appears on Absentee Ballots

It’s bad enough that someone did this in the first place but to then to just brush it off like it’s nothing really takes the cake. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s last name is spelled “Osama” on some 300 absentee ballots mailed out this week to voters in Rensselaer County hilltowns. Is it a Freudian slip, intentional gaffe or a […]

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Palin’s Hacker Indicted

The scumbag that hacked Governor Palin’s personal email account turned himself in yesterday. I hope he gets the book thrown at him. His little stunt does nothing to further the cause of Democrats. Sure, she shouldn’t have been using a private account to avoid records-retention rules. Fine. I agree. Throw the book at her on that. But illegally hacking into […]

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I Know. This Shouldn’t Surprise Me in the Least

I guess this little clip from Fox News doesn’t even really need any commentary. It’s such a blatant demonstration of how completely “bias” (that’s my new Republican term) they are that it speaks entirely for itself. Good God… I’m just sayin’…

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Terrorist Acts Against American Muslims in Ohio

This is nearly unbelievable. On Friday, September 26, the end of a week in which thousands of copies of Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West — the fear-mongering, anti-Muslim documentary being distributed by the millions in swing states via DVDs inserted in major newspapers and through the U.S. mail — were distributed by mail in Ohio, a “chemical irritant” […]

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AIG CEO Already Cashing In

I’d feel a WHOLE lot more comfortable with the government bailouts if fat cats like the CEO at AIG weren’t selling their shares a few days after the bailout to the tune of $1 BILLION. Seriously, this kind of thing couldn’t have been prohibited as part of the buyout deal? What the hell? Nicked from AMERICAblog. I’m just sayin’…

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This is So Embarassing

This is So Embarassing

Wanna know what I think is one of the worst aspects of John McCain’s grandstanding and policizing of attempts to resolve our national financial “hiccup”? The fact that the rest of the world is watching our politicians act like complete douchebags in an effort to win an election. The Republicans should be ashamed of how they are behaving. And the […]

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Rick Davis: Corrupt, Paid-Off McCain Campaign Manager

Rick Davis: Corrupt, Paid-Off McCain Campaign Manager

This is Rick Davis. Rick Davis is one of the top honchos in John McCain’s campaign for president, his campaign manager, in fact. Rick Davis is a crook. He’s been getting paid for years by the failed Freddie Mac. Up until last month, he’s been getting $15,000 a month. For what? you might ask? Actually not much. It would appear […]

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