Tag: OWS

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Andrew Breitbart says Occupy has a ‘culture of rape’ and ACORN is paying ‘unsafe people’ to occupy

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Andrew Breitbart says Occupy has a ‘culture of rape’ and ACORN is paying ‘unsafe people’ to occupy

Andrew Breitbart is the Andrew Breitbart of the tea party movement On Saturday, February 25th, LOLGOP and I attended the Americans for Prosperity forum in Troy, Michigan (home of homophobic tea party mayor Janice Daniels.) We obtained press passes and proceeded to livetweet and liveblog the event. (My liveblog, done entirely on my iPhone, is here: LIVEBLOG: Americans for Prosperity […]

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My comments to the Occupy movement at last Saturday’s Occupalooza

We’re not trying to take our country BACK, we’re trying to take it FORWARD Last Saturday night I was invited to make some comments to the audience at Occupalooza. I chose to focus my talk on the need for everyone in the Occupy movement to avoid making the mistake of “staying out of politics”. Here are my comments: (This is […]

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How Occupy Changed the Conversation

How Occupy Changed the Conversation

My posse’s on Wall Street -@Markos Moulitsas “I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.” Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt is not Barack Obama. FDR was born into American royalty, the cousin of a President. He had a chance to study the intimacies of power more closely than any President until George W. Bush, who […]

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Remember when they pepper-sprayed the tea party demonstrators?

Remember when they pepper-sprayed the tea party demonstrators?

Remember when they tear-gassed pepper-sprayed the tea party demonstrators? Yeah, me neither. Or the Westboro Baptist Church morons? Funny about that, isn’t it? But, then, they weren’t being all threatening and violent by just, you know, sitting there, right? Like these guys?

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Republicans say “no new taxes” – for 30 of the most-profitable companies, that means NO taxes at all

Republicans say “no new taxes” – for 30 of the most-profitable companies, that means NO taxes at all

I’m getting a bit weary of the obnoxious political commentary suggesting that the Occupy movement is full of spoiled brats with plenty of money. The reality is that many people in the middle class, people like me, for instance, are one or two missed paychecks from losing everything. President Obama and the Democrats want to put people to work on […]

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Occupy Niles – VIDEO from last Saturday’s protest in southwest Michigan

Occupy Niles – VIDEO from last Saturday’s protest in southwest Michigan

Another of Capture Me Films most-excellent videos, this one from the Occupy Niles protest in Niles, Michigan last Saturday. The group Occupy Southwest Michigan is very clearly not a bunch of dissatisfied hippy kids, venting their spleens as is too often portrayed in the media surrounding the Occupy Wall Street movement. This is a group of articulate, angry adults, pissed […]

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