Tag: Politics

White House offers to put GOP HCR plan online – Where is it?

This morning, the White House offered to put the GOP’s health insurance reform plan online alongside their own plan in preparation for Thursday’s bipartisan summit. Problem is: there isn’t one. Via Dan Pfeiffer at the White House blog: What you can’t do just yet is read about the Republicans’ consensus plan – because so far they haven’t announced what proposal […]

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OFA steps up its game

OFA steps up its game

As you know by now, David Plouffe is back in action with the administration and Organizing for America (OFA). Evidence of this came in my email this morning. I got this message from OFA today and it’s proof-positive (to me) that Plouffe is back at the helm: As we head into an election year, the new strategy for killing reform […]

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Why the Tea Partiers will fail

Why the Tea Partiers will fail

Watching the news items bubbling up to the surface from the first-ever National Tea Party Convention in Nashville this past weekend was, for liberals, like driving by a horrible car wreck. Most of us want to turn away but can’t help staring in fascination at what we’re seeing. First we have overt racist statements from Tom Tancredo suggesting that we […]

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MI Members of Congress battle over Underpants Bomber

Our Michigan members of Congress are falling all over themselves to get into the spotlight regarding the Underpants Bomber. It’s like the news story that keeps on giving. First, last week, we had Rep. Mark Schauer (D, MI-07) questioning with or not the flight crew on Flight 253 followed protocol in the process. Was protocol violated when Flight 253 — […]

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The Luntz pwnage and Democrats’ next steps

After my diary about the epic Frank Luntz fail spent most of the day at the top of the Rec List yesterday, I emailed Countdown with Keith to bring it to their attention. It seemed to fit in nicely with their segment about Luntz from the day before. Sure enough, they picked it up and it was the subject of […]

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Andrew Sullivan: Obama ain’t done yet

While I don’t agree with him on everything, I appreciate Andrew Sullivan and his outsider’s (British) perspective on American politics. His essay in the Sunday Times this past weekend, titled “Listen up, the president is not for turning” is no exception. And it has some common sense observations that all of us, conservatives and liberals alike, would do well to […]

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Dems need to get some balls in Congress

Best YouTube vid of the year (so far): I’m just sayin’…

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Liberals give Obama a test no mortal could pass

I took a computer science class in college, a FORTRAN programming class. Each program I wrote was worth 8 points. However, there were at least 40 different things I could do to lose points. Mess up 8 of those those 40 things and get a zero. That’s unfair. And it’s exactly what liberals are doing to our president and his […]

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Tales from a Midwestern Coakley phone bank

Tales from a Midwestern Coakley phone bank

I don’t know how the MA-Sen election will end up but I do know this: it has galvanized Organizing for America volunteers in our area (Ann Arbor, Michigan.) There have been phone banks in my area every day for the past week at multiple locations. Last night we called from the campaign office of gubernatorial candidate Alma Wheeler-Smith. We had […]

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Stupak Op-Ed – Turning on the charm offense, Mr. Reasonable?

Stupak Op-Ed – Turning on the charm offense, Mr. Reasonable?

In his Op-Ed in the Detroit News today, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Coathanger) turns on the charm offensive. And it’s nauseating. Oh, he starts out reasonable enough: I adamantly oppose the sweetheart deals provided to certain states in this bill. This reform should be about providing access to affordable health care for all Americans. Where you live should have nothing to […]

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Oh look. More teabagger fail. At Detroit Auto Show.

Oh look. More teabagger fail. At Detroit Auto Show.

As reported by Devilstower on the front page of the Daily Kos a couple of days ago, the Teabaggers were ready to hit the ground protestin’ at the Detroit Auto Show. Ready to protest bailing out the auto industry. You know, the one that employs 60% of Michigan workers? Well, they were outnumbered by some union folks who showed up […]

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