Tag: President Obama

Ambivalence about the killing of Osama bin Laden

Ambivalence about the killing of Osama bin Laden

Don’t get me wrong, when I saw this, I made martinis: Photo by Anne Savage. Please do no reuse without permission. But, I have to say, when I woke this morning and saw the mass celebrations that happened around the country, I was a bit unsettled by it. Ten years of living in fear, of constant “yellow” or “red” alert […]

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Facts???! Beck worshippers don’t need no stinkin’ facts!

There is a delivery guy where I work who spends a lot of his time driving around to deliver packages for us. He’s also our company’s taxi service and recently picked up an Aussie colleague of mine. On the trip back from the airport, Aussie asked him if he thought Obama was good for America. Aussie had no idea that […]

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New Twitter hashtag: #33seniors

New Twitter hashtag: #33seniors

Today I’m announcing a new hashtag: #33seniors. It comes from President Obama’s budget/deficit speech yesterday: [The Republicans have] a vision that says even though America can’t afford to invest in education or clean energy; even though we can’t afford to care for seniors and poor children, we can somehow afford more than $1 trillion in new tax breaks for the […]

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President Obama pulls back the curtain on Republican loyalties in today’s budget speech

First of all, if you haven’t seen it already, this is worth the 44-some minutes to watch: Transcript HERE. President Obama didn’t pull any punches today in his speech on the nation’s budget and our path out of the massive debt and deficit we face today. Fully one-third of our budget is deficit spending yet only 12% of it is […]

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“Bold Progressives” get threatening with their preemptive whinging

Yesterday I wrote about the tactic of “preemptive whinging” from those on the left who struggle to find anything about President Obama and his administration that they like. The group Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), aka “bold progresives”, has taken this to the next level. They are now threatening the President if he does something he has said he wouldn’t […]

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Preemptive whinging is the new norm for the “professional left”

I’ll say right off the bat that I absolutely hate the term “professional left”. But it will suffice as a descriptor for those on the liberal side of the coin that seem to be able to find pretty much nothing about the Obama administration that they can approve of. And when they don’t have anything to get upset about, that’s […]

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As the lefty commentator Chicken Littles run around, President Obama piles up the wins

As the lefty commentator Chicken Littles run around, President Obama piles up the wins

Oh. My. Lord. To read the lefty pundits today, you would think that President Obama had changed parties overnight, handed over the keys to the Oval Office to the resurrected body of Ronald Reagan, and hitchhiked back to his hometown in Kenya/Moscow. After stepping in and helping to broker a deal to keep the government from shutting down, something members […]

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It’s not that Sarah Palin is a birther…

It’s not that Sarah Palin is a birther, not that she’d admit in public anyway. It’s that she thinks President Obama is a liar. And she’s cheering on The Donald from the sidelines for resurrecting questions about the mythical Obama birth certificate. I think that he was born in Hawaii because there was the birth announcement put in the newspaper. […]

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Can the GOP win in a hostage situation without vulnerable hostages?

Last December the Republicans in Congress held unemployed Americans hostage in order to secure tax breaks for the nation’s über-wealthy. It was a strategy that worked because Democrats, including President Obama, were unwilling to sacrifice the welfare of our most-vulnerable citizens simply to win a political battle. Once again the country finds the GOP in a hostage-taking situation. In order […]

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Why on EARTH would we elect an insane man like Obama to be President?

Motley Moose

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Unemployment at 2-year low

You know, if this keeps up, Barack Obama is going to end up getting reelected in 2012. The unemployment rate fell to a two-year low of 8.8 percent in March and companies added workers at the fastest two-month pace since before the recession began. The Labor Department says the economy added 216,000 new jobs last month, offsetting layoffs of local […]

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