Tag: President Obama

Josh Marshall steps up and steps in it

Normally I really enjoy Talking Points Memo bit this piece from Josh Marshall is, in my opinion, just laughable in how full of wrong it is regarding the U.S.A.’s response to the situation in Libya. At the end of last week I couldn’t help tweeting that everything I was seeing in Libya was bringing out my inner foreign policy Realist. […]

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President Obama will push for passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act

When I was a kid, my mom was an ardent feminist and fought hard for women’s rights. We attended rallies, she lobbied her members of Congress, and she was vocally outspoken about it. One of the buttons she wore on her purse was a simple forest green button with a simple white “59¢” it. The “59¢” represented the amount of […]

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Hitting the soft spot of “True Liberals”

Hitting the soft spot of “True Liberals”

I kinda felt bad for my wife last night. She was reading through the comments on the Daily Kos version of yesterday’s blog This whole “Teach Obama a Lesson” thing is working so perfectly, isn’t it? and was really upset at all the very nasty things people were saying about me. I really should have worn the Hazardous Conditions Flash […]

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This whole “Teach Obama a Lesson” thing is working so perfectly, isn’t it?

Epic rant to follow. This might leave a mark. In Wisconsin. In Ohio. In Michigan. In Florida. All across the country, the True Liberals’ efforts to teach Barack Obama a lesson are paying off in spades. Their plan could not have worked out more perfectly. After a year of shouting to the highest heavens about how much they were disappointed […]

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Homebrew at the White House? How do I get invited???!

Homebrew at the White House? How do I get invited???!

This story from Obama Foodorama is truly awesome: The Obamas Make History With Homebrewed White House Honey Ale President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama made culinary history when they served homebrewed White House Honey Ale, made with a pound of honey from the White House Beehive, to guests at last month’s Super Bowl party. They are the first presidential […]

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President Obama appropriately chooses NOT to be the anti-Reagan

In 1981, Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO), the national union representing air traffic controllers, went on strike. After talks collapsed, President Ronald Reagan permanently fired 11,000 of the union members. The President of the United States of America intervened in a labor dispute in a heavy-handed move that, in many ways, defined Reagan’s legacy and shaped the Republican Party […]

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Help Wanted: President of the United States

Imagine if Barack Obama had received a true-to-life, realistic job preview of the job he was about to take on. Imagine if, in February 2007, when he decided to throw his hat into the ring in the run for president, he had read the following HELP WANTED ad, one that accurately reflects the road ahead of him. Imagine… February 2007 […]

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Will President Obama get credit for this? Unlikely.

Yesterday, President Obama indicated that he would be willing to modify some conditions of the Affordable Care Act to please some governors out there, many of them Republicans: President Obama sought to defuse criticism of the new health-care overhaul Monday by saying he is willing to give states an earlier opportunity to opt out of certain key requirements – but […]

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Quote of the Day

Obama is not a brown-skinned, anti-war socialist who gives away free healthcare. You’re thinking of Jesus. — John Fugelsang, stand-up comedian I’m just sayin’…

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It’s only news if it hurts President Obama

It’s only news if it hurts President Obama

There have now been FIVE federal court rulings on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Of this, only two of them have gone against the ruling and one of them was only against part of it (the federal mandate). So, how has the media discussed these rulings? Here’s the answer in graphical from House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi: Steve Benen at […]

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“No Drama Obama” threads the needle both foreign and domestic

This past month has been a case study in how President Obama’s steady and measured approach to upheavals is exactly the right one to navigate through sticky issues both in our nation’s foreign policy and in our domestic scene, as well. In Egypt, the Obama administration received not-unexpected criticism from both sides. One group claimed he was acting too aloof, […]

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