Tag: President Obama

The White House is really starting to get it on messaging

The White House is really starting to get it on messaging

Check this out: That single graphic conveys an enormous amount of information about President Obama’s jobs plan in comparison with the “jobs plan” of the Republicans. This is the kind of stuff they need to be doing year-round, not just during campaign season. LOVE it. H/T Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog

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President Obama hands the GOP as much rope as they can carry

Senate Republicans today blocked a vote on yet another one of the components of President Obama’s jobs plan today. This one would have invested $60 billon in building and repairing our nation’s crumbling infrastructure and was fully paid for by a 0.7% (!!!) surcharge on income over $1 million. A bridge too far for Republicans, apparently. Republicans in the Senate […]

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President Obama gettin’ all presidential candidate-y and stuff

It’s been a busy week for President Obama. On top of news that his administration (via the FBI) has busted up yet another domestic terrorist plot (sorry, no Muslims this time, Mr. Conservative), we got this: Obama general counsel Bob Bauer emails lawyers and law students that the campaign is setting up an “unprecedented” new “voter protection” program — a […]

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Pete Hoekstra: President Obama should return Nobel Peace Prize in display of bipartisanship

Pete Hoekstra: President Obama should return Nobel Peace Prize in display of bipartisanship

Pete Hoekstra, candidate to unseat Debbie Stabenow as Michigan Senator, has an idea: President Obama should return his Nobel Peace Prize. (It’s at Newsmax so I’m not linking it.) Why is Twitter Pete suggesting this? I don’t know. You read it and see if you can figure it out. Because, if I’m reading this right, it’s to free him from […]

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Why the HELL did Obama put troops in Africa? I’ll tell you why.

President Obama put troops into Africa to rid the planet and the area around Uganda & Sudan of one of the most evil groups of terrorists you’re likely to ever learn about. From a Christianity Today article from 2006: Sixty years after Allied soldiers liberated the Nazi death camps, the world stands silent in the face of another holocaust—one so […]

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Presidents Barack Obama and Lee Myung-bak from South Korea in Michigan (PHOTOS)

Presidents Barack Obama and Lee Myung-bak from South Korea in Michigan (PHOTOS)

This past Friday, U.S. President Barack Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visited a GM plant in Lake Orion, Michigan. The visit was, in part, a celebration of a new trade pact between our countries. Unlike previous free trade agreements, Democrats were able to win protections for American workers that will help guard against the types of abuses that […]

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Presidents Obama and Lee in Michigan today

Presidents Obama and Lee in Michigan today

Here are a couple of early photos by my wife Anne C. Savage from a visit to Michigan today by President Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak. They were visiting GM’s Orion Assembly Plant, in part to tout the new trade agreement passed by Congress this week. Also, the President Obama told the crowd that, unlike Republicans, he believes […]

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Mitt Romney writes off Michigan and most of the Rust Belt at last night’s debate

Mitt Romney writes off Michigan and most of the Rust Belt at last night’s debate

It’s not like Mitt Romney was counting on Michigan for any sort of support already. As I said before, if Mitt Romney wins the GOP nomination, he should probably just skip Michigan after his New York Times editorial called “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” back in 2008: It will be interesting to see if Romney dares to show his face in […]

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President Obama is winning the war of public opinion

President Obama is winning the war of public opinion

Yesterday, I wrote about how President Obama is surging in the latest PPP poll (favorability rating up 11 points, job approval rating up 6 points) and how the Republicans are completely tanking (down 15 points.) This, right here, is the major reason why: That’s the front page of The Cinncinnati Enquirer this morning with the blaring headline: “GOP kills jobs […]

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President Obama positively SURGES in most recent PPP poll

President Obama positively SURGES in most recent PPP poll

Welly, well, well, well. Who whoulda thunk it? Favorability rating: UP 11 points Job approval rating: UP 6 points Congressional Republicans: DOWN a whopping 15 points! Poor David Nir at Daily Kos just can’t explain it. “I can tell you what changed in our cross-tabs,” he says, “but I can’t tell you why things changed.” It’s a complete mystery why […]

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Singer Pat Boone has proof Barack Obama was born in Kenya

Singer Pat Boone has proof Barack Obama was born in Kenya

Singer Pat Boone now has solid proof that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. What’s his proof? He went to Kenya a while ago and some people there told him so. President Barack Obama may have released his birth certificate this spring to debunk rumors that he was born outside the United States, but old school crooner Pat Boone […]

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