Tag: Racism

Mich hospital sued for agreeing to racist’s demand that no black nurses treat his baby

Mich hospital sued for agreeing to racist’s demand that no black nurses treat his baby

More embarrassment for the Mitten state

Tonya Battle is a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) nurse at the Hurley Medical Center in Flint, Michigan. Last year on Halloween, she was caring for a baby in the NICU unit. The baby’s father, approached her, and asked to see her supervisor. What happened next is right out of the early part of the 20th Century racist south.

The man demanded that no African American nurses care for his baby. Not only that, the hospital complied. They are now being sued by Tonya Battle.

Details after the jump.

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Racist signs in Delaware? When moral outrage gets in the way of solving problems – a cautionary tale

Racist signs in Delaware? When moral outrage gets in the way of solving problems – a cautionary tale

Think (and check facts) before you rage out

I was surfing Daily Kos a couple of days ago and came across a cross-post of a piece from Delaware Liberal titled “Outrage in Milford”. The piece was inspired by this sign:

The top sign says one thing in English but the bottom sign, in Spanish, says something entirely different:

You must have a permit to play on this field. Violators are subject to police action.

There were several of these signs at playgrounds across the city.

Hideous racism, right? Actually not. Read on (after the jump.)

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On Trayvon Martin and Shaima Alawadi and “taking our country back”

On Trayvon Martin and Shaima Alawadi and “taking our country back”

They’ve taken our country back, alright…

I haven’t yet written about the senseless killing of Trayvon Martin, not because I had nothing to say but because I wasn’t sure I had anything to add to the conversation. Then, over the weekend, an Iraqi mother in California was beaten to death and left with a note that said “Go Back To Your Country, You Terrorist”. It was then that I realized that fearful, angry conservatives have achieved their goal of “taking our country back”. They have taken it back to the 1950s and before.

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Racist denies she’s a racist – says “Don’t Renig in 2012” bumpersticker isn’t racist

Racist denies she’s a racist – says “Don’t Renig in 2012” bumpersticker isn’t racist

Right, dude. Whatever. Last May, I posted a piece titled “Don’t let ANYONE EVER tell you racism isn’t alive and well in the USA” that showed a bumpersticker and t-shirt saying “Don’t renig in 2012”. The t-shirt actually showed the Obama campaign logo on it making it clear what it was about. From my post: That bumpersticker says “Don’t RENIG […]

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Pete Hoekstra pulls racist website down, Debbie Stabenow raises over $150K from it

Debbie Stabenow: 1, Pete Hoekstra: 0 After the devastating news coverage of the past week over the racist ad and website put up by Pete Hoekstra, he has now redirected the Chinese-themed www.debbiespenditnow.com to his own website www.petespenditnot.com. The YouTube video is still up, however, with over a million views. Comments and ratings are still turned off for the very […]

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Racist Hoekstra ad reframes the conversation, but not how he wanted it to

Racist Hoekstra ad reframes the conversation, but not how he wanted it to

Missed it by THAT much Pete Hoekstra is nearly giddy about all the attention his racist ad had garnered. Hoekstra, a former Republican congressman from Holland, stood his ground Monday, saying the ad did what he wanted: It drew a clear contrast between himself and Democratic U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow. […] “We knew we were taking an aggressive approach on […]

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Is media group that produced Pete Hoekstra’s racist ad full of Democrats? (Updated)

Is media group that produced Pete Hoekstra’s racist ad full of Democrats? (Updated)

Waaa-aaait a minute… I hadn’t realized this until MaddowBlog retweeted me yesterday, but the media company that created the train wreck of a racist ad for Pete Hoekstra is the same company that did two other catastrophic train wrecks: the infamous “Demon Sheep” ad for Carly Fiorina in California and Christine O’Donnell‘s legendary “I Am Not a Witch” ad. The […]

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Pete Hoekstra airs offensive, racist ad during Super Bowl XLVI – UPDATED

Who thought THAT was a good idea? [NOTE: I have posted updates to this ongoing story HERE.] “Twitter Pete” Hoekstra, the man who wasn’t even smart enough to buy his own domain during his run for Governor of Michigan, ran an ad during this year’s Super Bowl that was so blatantly racist and offensive to Asians that even GOP consultants […]

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When will the latest racist reference to Obama be the last? – Republican calls him a “tar baby”

When will the latest racist reference to Obama be the last? – Republican calls him a “tar baby”

What. The. Hell. Are you like me? Every time you hear some troglodyte Republican politician use a blatantly offensive racist comment about President Obama, do you think to yourself, “That’s just an anomaly. That won’t happen again.”? When some moron fowarded an email depicting President Obama as an African witch doctor, did you think, “Aw, geez. That’ll be the last […]

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Don’t let ANYONE EVER tell you racism isn’t alive and well in the USA

Don’t let ANYONE EVER tell you racism isn’t alive and well in the USA

From The Maddow Blog: That bumpersticker says “Don’t RENIG in 2012”. “RENIG” is not a misspelling of the word “renege”, it’s saying “don’t relelect a nigger in 2012”. This particular photo was snapped in Arizona but someone in the comments section said they’ve seen it in the Detroit area, too. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to see it in […]

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Facts???! Beck worshippers don’t need no stinkin’ facts!

There is a delivery guy where I work who spends a lot of his time driving around to deliver packages for us. He’s also our company’s taxi service and recently picked up an Aussie colleague of mine. On the trip back from the airport, Aussie asked him if he thought Obama was good for America. Aussie had no idea that […]

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