Tag: Racism

Will the Tea Partiers protest against the Big Govt. Takeover™ of Benton Harbor?

Will the Tea Partiers protest against the Big Govt. Takeover™ of Benton Harbor? Hahahahaha! Just kidding. Benton Harbor is more than 90% African American. I’m just sayin’…

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Fourth grade white kids auction off fourth grade black kids

File this one in the “Are You Effing KIDDING Me???” file: [D]uring a fourth grade teacher’s lesson on the Civil War, students were separated by race. White students on one side and African American and mixed-race students on the other, who were then offered up for auction… What the hell is the matter with some people??? I’m just sayin’…

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Racist GOP candidate sees America as “white homeland”

Via Think Progress Racist GOP candidate for New Hampshire’s House of Representative, Ryan J. Murdough, has an interesting point of view: For far too long white Americans have been told that diversity is something beneficial to their existence. Statistics prove that the opposite is true. New Hampshire residents must seek to preserve their racial identity if we want future generations […]

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Tim Wise: “If the Tea Partiers were black…”

Tim Wise: “If the Tea Partiers were black…”

I realize pretty much everyone on the internet but me has seen this but, just in case you’re one of the few that, like me, ducked when this Awesome Ball came toward you, have a look. “Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black” – Tim Wise Tim Wise is a white guy who writes about racism (his blog is HERE.) […]

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