Tag: recalls

Following the money: who wants Paul Scott’s recall to fail – Michelle Rhee, the DeVos family, and beyond

You can tell a great deal about a given situation, as they say, by following the money. As anti-union, anti-teacher Republican state Rep. Paul Scott faces the voters of his district in a recall election tomorrow, it’s useful to see who has been pouring money into his coffers for the past couple of months. All of this information is available […]

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Latest poll shows Paul Scott recall VERY close, gives Scott the edge

Latest poll shows Paul Scott recall VERY close, gives Scott the edge

The lastest poll conducted by MIRS and Practical Political Consulting shows GOP Rep. Paul Scott winning his recall vote by a very narrow margin. New polling shows Rep. Paul Scott, R-Grand Blanc, beating Tuesday’s recall election with half of the vote. The poll, commissioned by Michigan Information and Research Service and conducted by Practical Political Consulting, shows Scott getting 50 […]

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The Paul Scott recall effort NEEDS YOUR HELP!!!

The Paul Scott recall effort NEEDS YOUR HELP!!!

Okay, folks, it’s crunch time. The election that may well lead to the expulsion of anti-teacher, anti-union Republican Paul Scott is next week. (Details of his epic struggle to avoid this recall are HERE.) His side of the effort is spending lotsa money on yard signs, robocalls, and deceptive radio ads. Hell, he has the governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, […]

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MLive poll: over 82% say “Recall Paul Scott!”

I’m traveling for work this week so it’s been light blogging. I thought you might enjoy this link, however: Poll: Should Rep. Paul Scott be recalled? Answer: with over 800 votes cast, an overwhelming number say “YES!”. 78+% in fact. [NOTE: this is even higher than the 61% in support of the recall that came out of a MIRS poll […]

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Michigan Supreme Ct. to GOP Rep. Paul Scott: “Strike three, you’re out!” Recall is STILL on!

After going to the Michigan Supreme Court well for a third time, GOP Representative Paul Scott has been smacked down a third and final time. The Supreme Court ruled today that Paul Scott’s recall WILL go forward. The Michigan Supreme Court says it will not stop or postpone a recall election targeting a state lawmaker. Today’s decision clears the way […]

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The convoluted history of the recall of Michigan Rep. Paul Scott

The convoluted history of the recall of Michigan Rep. Paul Scott

Cross-posted at Wisconsin’s Dane101 blog. State Representative Paul Scott was first elected to the Michigan House of Representatives for the 51st District in 2008. He won reelection in 2010 and, since then, has been at the forefront of attacking unions in general and the teachers union specifically. Scott didn’t run on an anti-teacher platform during his campaign. In fact, many […]

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Rep. Paul Scott re-appeals to the Supreme Court, says he’s caused too much confusion for recall to continue

Rep. Paul Scott re-appeals to the Supreme Court, says he’s caused too much confusion for recall to continue

Oh, this is freaking rich. Lawyers for state Rep. Paul Scott, a Republican from Grand Blanc, will ask the Michigan Supreme Court to reconsider its surprise ruling Thursday to give the green light to a Nov. 8 recall election targeting Scott. ~SNIP~ The on-again, off-again nature of the recall, which had been ordered to a halt by lower court rulings […]

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BREAKING: Michigan Supreme Court denies Rep. Paul Scott appeal – RECALL IS ON!!!

In a move that has taken many, including ME, by surprise, the Michigan Supreme Court handed down a decision this morning (pdf) denying Rep. Paul Scott’s request for a preliminary injunction meaning that his recall is back on for the November 2011 ballot. As I wrote yesterday, the Michigan Court of Appeals had put an injunction in place on the […]

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More disenfranchisement of voters by Republicans in Michigan

As I wrote about in my piece for A2Politico this week, the organizers of the recall effort against Republican state Representative Paul Scott was dealt a devastating blow last week when Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Clinton Canady granted an injunction barring the use of petition signatures that have been gathered. This was the only recall effort in Michigan to […]

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Recall target Republican Kurt Damrow gets tossed out Republican Party

Recall target Republican Kurt Damrow gets tossed out Republican Party

Bwahahaha! Even the Republicans don’t want Kurt Damrow around, it seems. Damrow, a Republican who, as I reported today in an A2Politico piece was the target of a failed recall attempt, has been unceremoniously tossed out of the Huron County Republican Party. The Huron County Republican Party’s Executive Committee voted 18 to 2 to immediately remove 84th District State Rep. […]

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Status of Michigan recalls

Status of Michigan recalls

I have a new post up at A2Politico that talks about the recalls going on around the state of Michigan. I won’t spoil the fun by reprinting it here. Go have a look. It talks about the recalls against Republicans, Democrats and Governor Snyder as well. Here’s a list of the 26 recalls against Republicans and their current status so […]

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