Tag: recalls

If you don’t support the recall of Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, then what is your plan?

I’ve gotten a fair amount of pushback on my support of the effort to recall Michigan Governor Rick Snyder. My blog pointing out how the Michigan Democratic Party isn’t supporting the effort prompted a front page response from Eric B. at Michigan Liberal titled “Circular Firing Squad: “Ready! Aim! …” We have met the enemy and he is us. Or, […]

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Why I am supporting the recall of Rick Snyder (& other Michigan Republicans)

I have been giving the issue of recalling Rick Snyder quite a bit of thought lately, which is probably obvious to regular readers. I have been quite ambivalent about the recall effort for a number of reasons. First, having Brian Calley as Michigan’s governor, even for a short time, gives me pause. Also, the task of collecting a million signatures […]

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UPDATED: The Michigan Democratic Party has little tolerance for dissent

UPDATE: I am tempering the tone of the title of this blog entry after realizing that the MDP hasn’t completely removed all posts from their Facebook page. They’ve only changed the landing page so that only their own posts show up unless you click the “Most Recent” tab. Thanks to Sagebrush Bob in the Comments at Daily Kos for this […]

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The difference between Wisconsin and Michigan

The difference between Wisconsin and Michigan

Many parallels have been drawn between what is transpiring in Wisconsin and Michigan in terms of Republicans Gone Wild and the trampling of the rights of voters, union members and any other group Republicans have in their crosshairs. And there are parallels. Certainly the law that Republicans were able to get signed into law stripping away the rights of public […]

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Dems gather enough signatures to recall a 6th Republican, Republican recall efforts bomb

Oh, hardee har har har. Yesterday, the group collecting signatures to recall Wisconsin Senator Robert Cowles announced they have enough signatures to put his recall on the ballot. That makes the sixth such announcement since the wave of recall campaigns began. Six down, two to go. Meanwhile, Republican efforts to recall two three Democrats crapped out. A recall effort targeting […]

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