Tag: Republican-Fail

Fred Upton appoints Big Gas lobbyist to position on House Energy and Commerce Committee

Fred Upton appoints Big Gas lobbyist to position on House Energy and Commerce Committee

Another day, another lobbyist appointed to a Congressional position Iraqi war vet and “Friend o’ the blog” John Waltz (pictured right) is running for Congress in Michigan’s 6th district against the pro-Big Oil, pro-Big Business, anti-environment incumbent Fred Upton. This is a good thing because, honestly, Upton is everything we do NOT want in a Congressional Representative. Upton is the […]

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When will the latest racist reference to Obama be the last? – Republican calls him a “tar baby”

When will the latest racist reference to Obama be the last? – Republican calls him a “tar baby”

What. The. Hell. Are you like me? Every time you hear some troglodyte Republican politician use a blatantly offensive racist comment about President Obama, do you think to yourself, “That’s just an anomaly. That won’t happen again.”? When some moron fowarded an email depicting President Obama as an African witch doctor, did you think, “Aw, geez. That’ll be the last […]

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Michigan Republicans move to make illegal strikes illegal(er)

It’s a good thing we don’t have any real problems in the state of Michigan. The fantastic shape we’re in and the abundance of jobs gives Republicans the opportunity to work on things like THIS. A package of Republican bills in the state Legislature would boost penalties for public workers who go on strike. The legislation would also let employers […]

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Billboard supporting Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s job creation in front of shuttered plant

Billboard supporting Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s job creation in front of shuttered plant

This is from the terrific blog Defend Wisconsin A photo of a billboard in Janesville, Wisconsin, featuring a smiling Scott Walker, was captured on camera and posted as a pic on Facebook. Besides a smiling Scott Walker, the billboard states in Walker-campaign font: Scott Walker Creating Jobs for Wisconsin. Below, the billboard asks the readers to call Governor Walker and […]

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Has the GOP given President Obama the “out” he needs to reject the Keystone XL oil pipeline?

There were some interesting revelations in statements made to day by Jay Carney, President Obama’s Press Secretary relating the Keystone XL oil pipeline. Recall that in the bill to extend the middle class income tax break, Republicans put in a requirement that he give his ruling on it by next month. Follow me over the orange squiggledegibbet for what went […]

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The “reasonable” Republican dilemma

It has got to be tough being a moderate, reasonable Republican these days. Sitting here watching the skabillionth Republican primary debate, the only person that is even close to being reasonable is Jon Huntsman and he doesn’t have a prayer of getting the nomination. I think we’re going to begin seeing a LOT more things like this piece by a […]

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New Hampshire Republicans jump the shark, introduce bill mandating laws reference the Magna Carta

New Hampshire Republicans jump the shark, introduce bill mandating laws reference the Magna Carta

I couldn’t believe this was true when I read it at Angry Black Lady Chronicles. Sadly, it is. As in other lines of work, lunchtime discussions among lawmakers at the State House often spur ideas. Sometimes those ideas become bills. And sometimes those bills seemed less strange over lunch. House Bill 1580 is the product of such a brainstorming session […]

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Obama’s recess appointment of Richard Cordray gives Mitch McConnell a sad

Oh, waa-aah. Cry me a goddam river, you obstructionist piece of dog poo. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is very upset at President Obama’s recess appointment of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Although the Senate is not in recess, President Obama, in an unprecedented move, has arrogantly circumvented the American people by ‘recess’ appointing Richard Cordray […]

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We haven’t forgotten that the GOP totally caved to Dems, right? RIGHT?!

We haven’t forgotten that the GOP totally caved to Dems, right? RIGHT?!

This is a public service announcement from the Eclectablog Online Media Group (OMG): A week ago tomorrow, while everyone was getting ready for the holidays and not paying that much attention, THE REPUBLICANS TOTALLY CAVED IN TO THE DEMOCRATS! Image courtesy of Daily Kos I just wanted to be sure we don’t forget that because it seems to me that […]

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Germany’s Spiegel op-ed explains the GOP to its readers and it ain’t pretty

Germany’s Spiegel op-ed explains the GOP to its readers and it ain’t pretty

I traveled to Europe in the waning days of the 2008 election and, in fact, wrote a piece for Huffington Post about my experience including watching the last presidential debate between at 3:00 a.m in a little hotel in Gemona, Italy. My [business] trip started in Brussels, Belgium. My first clue that American politics reach firmly across the Atlantic ocean […]

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No, Speaker Boehner, it’s NOT “hard to do the right thing”

Keeping a tax break for the majority of Americans in place just like Republicans fought for on behalf of skabillionaires last year was, of course, “the right thing to do”. A clear no-brainer, barely worth the breath it takes to discuss it. One would have thought all those House Republicans that signed the Grover Norquist pledge not to raise taxes […]

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