Tag: Republican-Fail

Republicans think protecting children from lead poisoning is “job killing”

I was taking a gander at one of the Republicans’ latest bits of anti-Obama pablum, a report called “Broken Government: How the Administrative State has Broken President Obama’s Promise of Regulatory Reform” (pdf). In it, the very first job-killing regulatory move they decry is described thusly: The removal of the opt-out provision in the EPA lead paint rule is a […]

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GOP: Snakes on a (jobs) plan

GOP: Snakes on a (jobs) plan

This would be hilarious if these idiots weren’t serious. Democrats and Republicans all agree that the nation needs to move on a jobs agenda. And Republicans have a new plan: unleash the reins of snake commerce. GOP members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee today called attention to a proposed regulation that would restrict the transportation and importation […]

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The GOP will filibuster ANYTHING supported by Democrats, even disaster relief

The GOP will filibuster ANYTHING supported by Democrats. Think I’m exaggerating? I’m not. Here’s proof. On Monday, they filibustered a bill that would fund disaster relief to areas recently devastated by hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and flooding. The bill passed with a 53-33 majority but — BING! — it was a cloture vote meant to end a Republican filibuster so it […]

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Let ’em DIE!

Let ’em DIE!

This is where the Libertarian rubber meets the road: Wolf Blitzer: You’re a physician, Ron Paul, you’re a doctor. You know something about this subject. Let me ask you this hypothetical question. A healthy 30-year-old young man has a good job, makes a good living, but decides I’m not going to spend 200 or $300 a month because I’m healthy, […]

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Throwing the poor off the welfare rolls in Michigan based on a myth

Last week, Michigan governor Rick Snyder signed into law a bill that ends welfare benefits for 41,000 Michiganders. Until then, there was no limit to how long poor people in Michigan could receive benefits. The law ends payments after four years. Nearly 30,000 children are affected by this axe which will save the state $77.4 million annually, according to the […]

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Just in case there’s any doubt the GOP is intentionally harming America for political gain…

Here’s your damn PROOF: “Obama is on the ropes; why do we appear ready to hand him a win?” said one senior House Republican aide who requested anonymity to discuss the matter freely. “I just don’t want to co-own the economy by having to tout that we passed a jobs bill that won’t work or at least won’t do enough. […]

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The GOP strategy for regaining the White House and Congress in comic form

The GOP strategy for regaining the White House and Congress in comic form

It’s pretty straightforward, really. Comic by Dana Simpson, click for a larger version We’re off to see the Prez in Detroit today, media passes in hand (by which I mean on iPhone.) We’ll have photos and such up tomorrow. Happy Labor Day.

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BREAKING – Michigan Forward Stands Up to False Accusations & Misinformation Disseminated in Robocalls

My breaking of the news about the anti-petition signing robocalls has received widespread coverage. In addition to the Rachel Maddow Show, several other news outlets have covered it, including the Herald Palladium, Michigan Messenger and WNDU. Michigan Forward, the group who is working to put the repeal of the odious Financial Manager law on the ballot, has now issued a […]

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Michigan GOP sliminess (and Eclectablog) get noticed by Rachel Maddow

Michigan GOP sliminess (and Eclectablog) get noticed by Rachel Maddow

Eclectablog got another shout out last night on The Rachel Maddow Show. You can watch it HERE. (It’s the one that mentions the bridge.) I’m in the northern part of Michigan for the next few days so you won’t see much blogging. Last night I spent the night in this one-room school house, built in 1898 or 1899. Pretty cool, […]

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Newsweek columnist John Avlon asks “Are Republicans at war with reality?”

Whoa. A mainstream media figure gets it. John Avlon, senior columnist at Newsweek and Daily Beast contributor asks, in a piece for CNN, “Are Republicans at war with reality?”. So here’s what I learned watching Thursday night’s Republican debate: States’ rights should rule the day, unless you’re gay. Small government is the rule unless a rapist impregnates his victim. Loyalty […]

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Republicans find another $75 million for their tax cuts. The students had it all along.

It’s just so damned easy to find money from sources without the resources to fight back, innit? Like college students: Michigan has removed about 30,000 college students from its food stamp program — close to double the initial estimate — saving about $75 million a year, says Human Services Director Maura Corrigan. Federal rules don’t allow most college students to […]

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