Tag: Republican-Fail

Nice job, GOP

Nice job, GOP

Nice job, GOP. The Dow Jones Industrial average dropped more than 500 points today, one day after the index staged an impressive late day rally erasing a more that 200-point drop to end the day in the black . The 512-point plunge makes Thursday Aug. 4, 2011 one of the top 10 worst days in Dow history in terms of […]

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The job-killing things I hate

The job-killing things I hate

I have decided that, from now on, everything that I dislike will be the Job-Killing [Thing That I Don’t Like]. For example, if I get a (veggie) burger at my local pub and it’s not cooked right? It’s The Job-Killing Veggie Burger. If I don’t like the final winner of American Idol, it will be the The Job-Killing Scotty McCreery. […]

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Dear Republicans…

Dear Republicans…

H/T to my dear friend Marla.

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Just in case you thought all us hippy liberal Democrats were making stuff up…

You know how bald long-haired hippy freak Democrats like me are always saying, “Republicans would vote against their own mother if they thought President Obama was for her”? Rachel Maddow has gleefully gone after the GOP for changing their position as soon as the president voices support. Even President Obama himself talks about it. Well, today, Speaker John Boehner confirmed […]

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The debt ceiling & the individual mandate: how you know GOP negotiators were NEVER serious

With Mitch McConnell’s declaration earlier this year that his main political goal is ensuring that Barack Obama is a one-term president, everything else that has happened since makes sense. But there’s something that happened in the negotiations between the White House, Congressional Democrats and Congressional Republicans that tells you, beyond a doubt and without any room for argument, that the […]

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Mich GOP kicks the poor while they are down, limits lifetime welfare to 4 years

Times are tough. People are out of work and many have been for a long time. You can almost imagine Michigan Republicans sitting around smoking cigars and drinking 20 year-old scotch wondering…wondering… “Hmmmm…let’s see…we shortened the time they can get unemployment, slashed aid to the working poor, cut education, eviscerated labor unions (especially teachers hahahahahahaaa) and started taxing old people. […]

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New Michigan GOP law will let children under 10 carry loaded firearms

Just when you thought the Republicans in Michigan had completely lost their minds, this week we find they had just a bit more of their minds to lose. On July 7, both the state House and Senate passed bills that will allow children under the age of 10 to carry loaded weapons to go hunting. I’m not making this up. […]

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Mich Supreme Court: Homeless sex offenders must still list a “home” or be fined/jailed

It’s bad enough that Michigan is run entirely by Republicans at the moment. But now we learn that our GOP-led Supreme Court has completely lost its mind. Yesterday, they ruled that homelessness is no excuse for sex offenders not registering their home with the local officials. A Michigan Supreme Court says homeless sex offenders must report their home address to […]

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Breaking election fundraising laws is okay in Michigan – If you are a Republican

Breaking election fundraising laws is okay in Michigan – If you are a Republican

Well, isn’t this special??? Area Democrats want to know why Gov. Rick Snyder used his staff and local county governments to spread invitations to a Grand Traverse County Republican Party fundraiser. Greg Andrews, the governor’s Marquette-based northern Michigan representative, sent an email to local governments that encouraged officials to attend the Governor’s Breakfast on Saturday during the National Cherry Festival. […]

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MI House Spkr Bolger challenges constitutionality of Calhoun Cty Election Comm to derail recall

MI House Spkr Bolger challenges constitutionality of Calhoun Cty Election Comm to derail recall

MI House Spkr Bolger challenges constitutionality of Calhoun Cty Election Comm to derail recall effortDetails are emerging on Michigan House Speaker Jase Bolger’s fight to avoid facing a recall. I have written about Autumn Smith’s efforts HERE, HERE and HERE, by way of background. In one of those posts, I noted this: I want to clarify Autumn’s situation a bit. […]

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Republicans intentionally sabotaging the economy for political gain

I’m not exactly sure why this is news. I and many others have been saying this since about spring of 2009. But, for some reason, some people, like prominent financial pundits/commentators, are just now figuring it out. Intentionally driving the economy further into the ditch to harm the reelection chances of Barack Obama is immoral, unethical, anti-American, hypocritical and evil. […]

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