Tag: Republican-Fail

How Republicans view their female candidates

You have to hand it to the Republicans. Only they could take a Good Thing like encouraging more women candidates, even in the top races (like for president), and turn it into an argument about which beauty queen is the brainiest. Rep. Michele Bachmann’s prospective 2012 campaign appears increasingly set on a collision course with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. […]

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Iowa Republican to students at Congressional hearings: Shut up and “go home”

State Senate Republican Shawn Hamerlinck made it clear yesterday that he has no use for the political opinions of students. After students representing each of Iowa’s state Universities testified before the Senate Education Appropriation Committee today to oppose severe budget cuts for higher education, Senator Shawn Hamerlinck of Dixon, ranking Republican on the committee, responded to the students’ testimony by […]

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Pscholka’s claims about paid protesters in Benton Harbor laughably debunked

Michigan Messenger has a pretty awesome piece up today totally debunking state Rep. Al Pscholka and his ludicrous claims that the protesters that showed up by the hundreds at the Blossomtime Grand Floral parade last month were paid professionals. hen people from around the state announced their intention to converge on Benton Harbor during the Blossomtime parade to protest the […]

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Republican douchebaggery on plain display, Rep. McHenry calls Elizabeth Warren a liar

Republican douchebaggery on plain display, Rep. McHenry calls Elizabeth Warren a liar

By now you’ve probably heard of this bit of utter Republican embarrassment: Patrick McHenry, Chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services and Bailouts of Public and Private Programs, calling Dr. Elizabeth Warren, assistant to the President and interim head of the new department to oversee credit protection for Americans a liar. It comes in at about 0:58 […]

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Herman and Newt: When weasels run

The crop of elephants running for the GOP’s presidential nomination are just chock full o’ laughs, aren’t they? First we have Newt “I was for Paul Ryan’s plan to kill Medicare before I was against it” Gingrich last week on CBS’s Face the Nation. BOB SCHIEFFER (overlapping): You heard at the top of this broadcast, we kind of laid it […]

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Republicans blink on coupon program for Medicare

Looks like the Frank Luntz focus groups showed that old people don’t want coupons for health insurance. They want something easy to understand, reliable and non-risky. Apparently, the Republicans finally got a clue. Senior Republicans conceded Wednesday that a deal is unlikely on a contentious plan to overhaul Medicare and offered to open budget talks with the White House by […]

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Facts???! Beck worshippers don’t need no stinkin’ facts!

There is a delivery guy where I work who spends a lot of his time driving around to deliver packages for us. He’s also our company’s taxi service and recently picked up an Aussie colleague of mine. On the trip back from the airport, Aussie asked him if he thought Obama was good for America. Aussie had no idea that […]

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Secession-supporting Texas governor asks for federal aid

Mr. Secessionist himself, Texas Governor Rick Perry is asking for federal help: Gov. Rick Perry has appealed to President Barack Obama to declare the state a major disaster area as wildfires strike or threaten all but two of the state’s 254 counties… A “major disaster declaration” would make the state eligible for help in responding to and recovering from the […]

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Missouri Republicans defy voters, vote to block regulation of puppy mills

I’m pretty stunned by this. Last fall, the voters approved “Proposition B”, a bill that puts stronger regulations on so-called “puppy mills”, breeding facilities that prioritize cranking out large numbers of puppies over the welfare of the animals themselves. Last week, Republicans in the Missouri House of Representatives overturned the will of the voters by passing a bill to reverse […]

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What the hell? Are Democrats FINALLY getting it on messaging?

Seriously, who are these people and what have you done with my Democrats? These people appear to have a clue about how to effectively deliver their message with a *punch* and succinctly frame the debates of the day. Here’s Congressman Joe Crowley of New York. You won’t want to miss this. Here’s the message in total: LAST FALL THE AMERICAN […]

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President Obama pulls back the curtain on Republican loyalties in today’s budget speech

First of all, if you haven’t seen it already, this is worth the 44-some minutes to watch: Transcript HERE. President Obama didn’t pull any punches today in his speech on the nation’s budget and our path out of the massive debt and deficit we face today. Fully one-third of our budget is deficit spending yet only 12% of it is […]

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