Tag: Republican-Fail

As the lefty commentator Chicken Littles run around, President Obama piles up the wins

As the lefty commentator Chicken Littles run around, President Obama piles up the wins

Oh. My. Lord. To read the lefty pundits today, you would think that President Obama had changed parties overnight, handed over the keys to the Oval Office to the resurrected body of Ronald Reagan, and hitchhiked back to his hometown in Kenya/Moscow. After stepping in and helping to broker a deal to keep the government from shutting down, something members […]

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Can the GOP win in a hostage situation without vulnerable hostages?

Last December the Republicans in Congress held unemployed Americans hostage in order to secure tax breaks for the nation’s über-wealthy. It was a strategy that worked because Democrats, including President Obama, were unwilling to sacrifice the welfare of our most-vulnerable citizens simply to win a political battle. Once again the country finds the GOP in a hostage-taking situation. In order […]

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GOP aide sends email blast announcing female colleague’s availability, “She’s a dem, but she’s hot.”

GOP aide sends email blast announcing female colleague’s availability, “She’s a dem, but she’s hot.”

A legislative aide to Michigan State Representative Jeff Farrington, Bryan Brandenburg, sent an email this week announcing a female colleague’s recent break-up, saying, “She’s a dem, but she’s hot.” Instead of sending the email to a small group of Congressional associates, he ended up sending it to every member of the Republican legislative staff. Subject: 25/F/Capitol Building. “Hey guys, “I […]

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Republicans’ new “budget” proposal institutionalizes “healthcare rationing”

The GOPocrisy rose to Fukushima-type levels this week as the Republicans rolled out their so-called “budget”. Wait, not a budget, a “cause”. First, after beating Democrats about the head and shoulders last fall for daring to propose that Medicare waste be reduced by describing it as “cutting Medicare”, they have the audacity to now propose eliminating Medicare as we know […]

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For tea party Republicans, it’s business as usual — and then some

Nepotism is so offensive that, when you see it, your first instinct is to want to shake someone by the lapels, shake them silly, then throw them out into the street. In this case, it would be Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker lying in the dirt and dust in the road in front of the saloon. It’s good to be born […]

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More on Rep. Ray Franz, the idiot who wants to ban offshore windpower in Michigan

Just to recap: Michigan Congressman Ray Franz is an idiot. Michigan Congressman Ray Franz is an idiot that wants to ban (BAN!) offshore wind energy in Michigan. While the rest of the world is diversifying their energy portfolio to include renewable energy sources, Michigan Congressman Ray Franz (an idiot) wants to take us backwards. Why does Congressman Franz want to […]

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Michigan Republicans introduce bill to ban offshore wind turbines in Michigan

I know you think this is an April Fool’s Day joke. It’s not. Michigan Republican Ray Franz has introduced House Bill No. 4499 which literally prohibits off-shore wind development in Michigan. The department shall not enter into a lease or deed that allows the use of unpatented lands for the siting, placement, construction, operation, or maintenance of any structure to […]

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Rick Scott: Hypocrite of the Week

Florida tea party Governor Rick Scott wins the coveted Hypocrite of the Week Award for passing an emergency order gutting funding for programs helping people with severe mental and physical disabilities on the very same day he appeared at a Special Olympics photo-op and fundraiser. The state Thursday slashed payments for group homes and case workers who help people with […]

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Unemployment at 2-year low

You know, if this keeps up, Barack Obama is going to end up getting reelected in 2012. The unemployment rate fell to a two-year low of 8.8 percent in March and companies added workers at the fastest two-month pace since before the recession began. The Labor Department says the economy added 216,000 new jobs last month, offsetting layoffs of local […]

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Congressman Tim Walberg blacklisting constituents from his email list?

Congressman Tim Walberg blacklisting constituents from his email list?

Just after Tim Walberg took office this year, I went to his official Congressional website and signed up to receive his constituent emails. I waited and waited and no emails came. Then, one day recently, a friend of mine forwarded his latest email to me with some comments. I checked my email folder. No Walberg email. I checked my spam […]

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Is it just me or has the GOP really lost its schpadoinkle?

UPDATE: Barb over at the Eclectablog Facebook Page suggested that we keep updating the list below so if you have something to add, email me at eclectablog at gmail yada yada and I’ll include it! Borrowing a phrase from the inimitable Bob Cesca, but, honestly, have the Republicans really gone over the edge? Have they really lost their schpadoinkle??? Just […]

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