Tag: Republican-Fail

Oakland County Republicans go for the power grab

In Michigan, counties are reapportioned into districts by Reapportionment Commissions after each census. The Reapportionment Commissions are, by law, required to be made up of the county prosecutor, county treasurer, county clerk, and the two heads of the two county parties that received the most votes in the last election for secretary of state. In Oakland County, Michigan, this means […]

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GOP budget plan will kill Michigan’s workforce development agency

Michigan’s workforce development agency, Michigan Works!, will close its doors if a Republican budget plan passed by the US House of Representatives this week is made into law. Michigan Works would have to shut down under a budget passed by the U.S. House, though the Senate has not backed the spending cuts. The statewide work force development agency, which serves […]

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Very serious GOP legislation in Wisconsin

As everyone who has been paying attention to national news over the past two weeks knows, the political situation in Wisconsin right now is very tense. The Senate Democrats are in exile to prevent an anti-union bill that will strip collective bargaining rights from teachers and other public employees from coming to a vote. Tea Party Governor Scott Walker is […]

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Fun governor facts!

Guess which governor doesn’t have a college degree? Yup, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker. Explains so much doesn’t it? Like how he became the tea party candidate for governor. And how he allowed himself to be purchased by the Koch brothers. And how he could cut taxes by $140 million creating a $137 million deficit that he then felt he had […]

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Wall Street reform stymied by Republicans (no surprise)

The 211th Congress, under the crack leadership of Nancy Pelosi, passed a Wall Street reform bill that, while fairly tepid in its scope, went much further than any legislation of its kind in decades. It will come as no surprise to you that Republicans are doing everything in their power to make sure Wall Street reform never gets a chance […]

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Michele Bachmann just figured out how laws are made

After spending most of last year promising her Tea Party followers that she was going to repeal Obamacare, it appears that Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann just now learned how laws are made. Steve King and I are best friends. And we both want to get Obamacare defunded. That’s the must have. The problem is the only way we could do […]

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Republican Congressman Darrell Issa needs YOUR help!

Republican Congressman Darrell Issa has put a form online where business owners can submit their ideas for how the GOP can reduce regulations that protect Americans in order to improve their corporate bottom line. While that’s all well and good, perhaps it would be good for him to know that regulations can HELP businesses as well by leveling the playing […]

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Republicans consider privatizing Medicare

I know this is no surprise but Republicans are considering privatizing Medicare. Months after they hammered Democrats for cutting Medicare, House Republicans are debating whether to relaunch their quest to privatize the health program for seniors. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is testing support for his idea to replace Medicare with a fixed payment to buy a private […]

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This year’s State of the Union “You LIE!” moment

This year’s State of the Union “You LIE!” moment

Like last year, where Rep. Joe Wilson shouted “You LIE!” at President Obama in the middle of his State of the Union Address, this year’s Address had a similarly offensive moment, this one courtesy of a tweet from Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia: Mr. President, you don’t believe in the Constitution. You believe in socialism. Strangely, he followed this up […]

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HALF the bills the average GOPer supports are for repealing Affordable Care Act

The Republicans have now been in office two weeks so I thought it was worth taking stock of what they’ve accomplished. I’ve just completed a rather in-depth analysis of the bills and resolutions that all 242 GOP members of Congress (not the Senate) have either sponsored or co-sponsored. What I found was that, on the average, 46% of the bills/resolutions […]

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It’s dangerous being a non-teabagger Republican in Arizona

It’s dangerous being a non-teabagger Republican in Arizona

This is messed up: A nasty battle between factions of Legislative District 20 Republicans and fears that it could turn violent in the wake of what happened in Tucson on Saturday prompted District Chairman Anthony Miller and several others to resign. Miller, a 43-year-old Ahwatukee Foothills resident and former campaign worker for U.S. Sen. John McCain, was re-elected to a […]

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