Tag: Republican-Fail

GOP to UN-Green the Capitol?

Remember when Ronald Reagan pulled down the solar panels installed on the White House by Jimmy Carter under the guise of routine maintenance and cleaning and then never put them back up? Well a similar effort may be underway. When she took over as Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi initiated the “Green the Capitol” initiative. Incoming Republicans are eyeing […]

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Exactly how ridiculous does the GOP have to get?

…before we can just laugh them off as a joke that nobody — and I mean NOBODY! — takes seriously anymore??? From Dave Weigel: Cornyn and Thune Defend the Earmarks They Requested and Will Vote Against Seriously. These two morons are actually defending earmarks that they themselves put into a bill and now claim they will vote against because, by […]

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Veins-bulging, spittle-flying Teabagger Nation TANTRUM!

Veins-bulging, spittle-flying Teabagger Nation TANTRUM!

The wheels just fell off the Tea Party Nation bandwagon. I realize it’s not news that the teabaggers are looney tunes. But today’s screed from Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips is off the rails. I can literally see him frothing at the mouth as he screams it to his followers with veins bulging on his neck. Take home message: […]

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Break out the tiny violin orchestra

Break out the tiny violin orchestra

Oh, whatever. Cry me a damn river. John Boehner has a sad because the President “disrespected” him. We met at the Capitol the day after the president announced the new tax deal. When Stahl asked him about the president, he dwelt on their differences. Lesley Stahl: What do you think of him? Rep. John Boehner: I think he’s engaging. Certainly […]

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Tim Walberg gets a headstart on GOPocrisy over health insurance

Surprise, surprise, my representative here in MI-07, Tim Walberg, is already on the GOPocrisy train. The Jackson Citizen Patriot reported earlier this week that Tim Walberg will opt out of federal health-care coverage. But it’s a nice bit of bait and switch because — wait for it — he already RECEIVES state health-care coverage!!! “The question is — will they […]

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Solving the country’s budget woes with smoke & mirrors & wishful thinking

Solving the country’s budget woes with smoke & mirrors & wishful thinking

The Republicans are pissed. Pissed, I tell ya. They are PISSED about how earmarks are positively wrecking our national budget. They are so pissed that last year they decided that they would have themselves a unilateral earmark ban. Some of them even adhered to it, too! Now Republicans want to pass legislation to ban ALL earmarks. Here’s what they are […]

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Solving Michigan’s budget woes with smoke and mirrors and wishful thinking

This is, in part, how the GOPosaurs won the day in Michigan: by drumming up fear and promising solutions to problems that don’t actually exist. Halting social benefits to undocumented immigrants should be the first step toward eliminating Michigan’s $1.6 billion structural deficit, state Sen.-elect Joe Hune said. Hune, a Republican from the Fowlerville area, raised the issue on the […]

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Tim Walberg: One of the “10 Scariest Republicans heading to Congress”

This is why I and so many others worked sofa king hard for Congressman Mark Schauer’s campaign. He’s been named one of the People for the American Way‘s “Ten Scariest Republicans heading to Congress”. Tim Walberg, who is returning to the House next year after representing Michigan’s 7th district for one term from 2007-2009, brags that he “was a tea […]

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Time for some realistic “redefinitions”

Time for some realistic “redefinitions”

Michele Bachmann has shown true leadership in her call recently for a “redefinition” of earmarks. She wants to take the tiny sliver representing earmarks in the chart below and make it smaller: “Advocating for transportation projects for ones district in my mind does not equate to an earmark.” “I don’t believe that building roads and bridges and interchanges should be […]

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Mark Ouimet gets busted AGAIN!

Mark Ouimet gets busted AGAIN!

I know Mark Ouimet is popular in Ann Arbor but when you look at the mounting evidence, I urge you to take a second look at Scio Township Trustee Christine Green (Democrat) if you’re even thinking about voting for Mr. Ouimet. First there Ouimet’s abuse of the per diem system as a County Commissioner. Another good link HERE. Then there […]

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Rob Steele rallies with the whackos

Rob Steele rallies with the whackos

Hey, kids! Wanna have some real fun tomorrow? Get yourself down to the University of Michigan Diag for a rally with Rob Steele, the teabagger GOP candidate running against John Dingell. It starts at 6:30 p.m. and all the cool kids will be there. Like Wendy Day, Livingston County teabagger organizer and home-schooling Howell School Board member. I’ve written about […]

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