Tag: Republican-Fail

Stop calling them “Tea Partiers”. They’re REPUBLICANS!

Stop calling them “Tea Partiers”. They’re REPUBLICANS!

I’m just sayin’… Giving my wife props for the idea for this blog entry. It’s time we changed the meme and change how we talk about the teabaggers. There is no “Tea Party” in the USA, not as a political party. There may be a bunch of clubs scattered around the country, groups of like-minded mostly-white, mostly-bigoted, super conservative no-brainers […]

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Catholic Church desecrates site of Oklahoma City bombing

Sure, they were allowed to do it. But that doesn’t make it right. It turns out that after Timothy McVeigh who was raised Catholic destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, the Catholic church had the audacity to build a statue right across the street! Yes, you read that right. McVeigh took the lives of 168 innocent people including 19 […]

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Eff you, ‘baggers. Maybe WE should “Go Galt”.

Honestly, I’m starting to get a twitch in the corner of my eye and a weird little nervous tic has developed. Watching the contortions of conservatives, particularly teabaggers and the worst of the worst Republicans (I’m lookin’ at YOU, John Boehner) is starting to push me to the brink. Screw you guys. Maybe WE should “Go Galt”. These supposed “strict […]

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This. Is. Awesome.

This kinda restores a bit of my faith. Literally. More than 40 prominent Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders and religion scholars issued a statement today condemning the “xenophobia and religious bigotry” fueling the increasingly strident opposition to a proposed Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero. These leaders from New York City and across the country are specifically challenging the […]

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He’s more Republican now than man, twisted and evil

Most of us that have been paying attention have known for some time that the Republican game plan for the Obama administration is to make sure the economy stays depressed and jobless. Any hint that the economy is improving will spoil any electoral chances they have. Now they are pretty much admitting it. Here’s House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Tanfast): […]

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You LIE! RightOnline conferencees told they outnumber NN10 (they didn’t)

Did you hear the one about the conservative that told a provably false, bald-faced lie to his conference attendees? “Netroots Nation is going down faster than Mel Gibson’s career,” Erik Telford of Americans for Prosperity told a laughing crowd at the Venetian casino gathered for the third annual RightOnline. AFP started RightOnline to counter Netroots Nation, celebrating its fifth anniversary […]

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The Lametude, it burns

How low does a candidate have to sink to get to the point where he crows about endorsements from people who not only do not live in the district he or she is running in but doesn’t even live in the same state? About this low, apparently. Joel Manby, a native of Battle Creek, Michigan, today announced his endorsement of […]

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Tea party FAIL: HCR repeal petition fails in Michigan

Tea party FAIL: HCR repeal petition fails in Michigan

Oh, ha, ha, ha. Michigan opponents of the federal health care overhaul said Tuesday they will keep fighting the plan, even though their grass-roots bid to allow voters to weigh in on the issue has failed. The campaign to ask Michigan voters if they wanted the option to not participate in the health care reform passed by Congress in March […]

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Oh, great. Here’s what we need: MORE money in politics.

Oh, great. Here’s what we need: MORE money in politics.

It’s clear to me that the single biggest item on the Progressive agenda right now should be campaign finance reform. I’ve written about this before but it bears repeating: every single battle that you can name that we’re fighting would be world’s easier without the influence of humongous amounts of money from corporations and wealthy donors. Now a (no surprise) […]

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How is this a winning strategy for Republicans?

Several recent polls say that the top issue for Americans right now is unemployment. So what do Republicans do? Filibuster and block a bill that would extend unemployment benefits for upwards of 1.2 million Americans. Also this week, they blocked passage of a bill that would help homeless female veterans and veterans with children. No, seriously. I can not for […]

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There’s a reason we’re in the situation we’re in

There’s a reason we’re in the situation we’re in

Bush apologists tell us all they want that we “need to quit blaming Bush for everything”. But there’s a reason we blame him for the USA being in two wars, in what Paul Krugman this week called The Third Depression and that our unemployment levels are so high: George W. Bush and his administration put us here. More to the […]

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