Tag: Republican-Fail

Drill Here, Drill Now economics soundly defeated (w/ graphic)

Drill Here, Drill Now economics soundly defeated (w/ graphic)

We all heard it and we all laughed at it. We know we consume 25% of the worlds oil but only own 2% of the worlds’ oil reserves. We know that the amount of oil we’d get from additional domestic drilling is a tiny smidgen of what is produced globally. [Click for bigger version {.pdf}] But, nonetheless, the GOPosaurs and […]

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Just so we’re clear on the whole hypocrisy/GOPocrisy thing…

Just so we’re clear on the whole hypocrisy/GOPocrisy thing…

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, the guy flying from place to place, beach to beach along the Gulf coast demanding the federal government save his state from the horrendous ecological catastrophe that is slowly and inexorably consuming it and slamming the president for not doing more, wants more deep-water oil-drilling rigs in the Gulf. He’s upset that President Obama has established […]

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This ain’t no (tea) party, this ain’t no disco

The so-called “Tea Party” in Michigan is positively terrified of becoming an official political party. Tea Party “officials” in Michigan are running away in a tizzy from a recent effort to put “the Tea Party” on Michigan’s ballot in 2010. Announced first on OutsideLansing.com, it appears that an unknown group or individual has financed a petition drive to put the […]

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Walberg and Rooney battle over who’s the most anti-Choice in MI-07

Popcorn time once again as far-right Tim Walberg and farther-right Brian Rooney battle it out for who wants to deny women their legal right to choose to have an abortion most. Yesterday, Walberg sent out an email that said this: Voters Never Have to Question Where I Stand Voters never have to question where I stand, my principles or priorities. […]

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The “10 years of taxes for 6 years of spending” lie

The “10 years of taxes for 6 years of spending” lie

I posted blog entry yesterday where I highlighted the out-of-touch nature of a GOP candidate in my Congressional district (MI-07) with regard to the new health insurance reform law. On my Facebook page, I got an earful from a guy who said this about it: It uses 10 years of tax receipts to pay for 6 years of benefits – […]

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Of petards, Republicans and hoisting

Or maybe I should call this “Of chickens and Republicans and roosting”. From the Associated Press comes this article today: Republicans suffering for 2008 bank bailout vote: Some of Congress’ staunchest conservatives voted two years ago to prop up the nation’s banking industry. At the time, they saw a threat to American business. Now the emergency is their own political […]

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Congressman Mike Rogers: “BE AFRAID!!!”

Congressman Mike Rogers: “BE AFRAID!!!”

While the Obama administration, Congressional Dems and Organizing for America are working diligently to spread the good word about the recently-passed health insurance reform law, GOP Congressman Mike Rogers (MI-08) is working very hard to keep fear levels at “11”. From the Tea Party Times Livingston County Daily Press & Argus we have this article: “Rogers warns of bad omens […]

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The crumbling GOP “GM=Government Motors” meme

The crumbling GOP “GM=Government Motors” meme

The conservative right is famous for its claim that the Obama administration has turned “General Motors” into “Government Motors“. Hell, there’s even a pithy t-shirt and scathing website (or ten). Unfortunately for the conservatives, however, GM announced this week that they have paid back the US and Canadian government $5.4 BILLION on Tuesday. Oh and, by the way, it’s WITH […]

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Robert Reich: “Mitch McConnell is desperate” – Updated

The lies of Mitch McConnell are legion. We all know this. Having lost the health insurance reform battle, he’s now doubling down on the failed “we need to start of and form a bipartisan bill” approach by applying the same strategy to financial sector reform. The GOPosaurs have have to be terrified of this fight. As Chris Hayes pointed out […]

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The legendary hypocrisy and lies of Tim Walberg

The legendary hypocrisy and lies of Tim Walberg

It’s masochism on my part, I suppose, but I have gotten on the email lists of the two leading GOP contenders who are seeking the nomination to challenge Congressman Mark Schauer (MI-07) this November. The leading leading contender is an odious man named Tim Walberg who held the position for only one term before being sent packing in 2008. His […]

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Taxing the wealthy will kill the economy? Teabagger, please.

Taxing the wealthy will kill the economy? Teabagger, please.

The teabagger (or shall we say “Teapublican”?) poo is going to really hit the fan later this year. Why? Because Barack HUSSEIN Obama is going to let the Bush tax cuts expire. Well, actually Congress is going to but let’s not quibble. Fresh from raising taxes on upper-income Americans to help expand health insurance coverage, President Obama and Democratic lawmakers […]

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