Tag: Rick Snyder

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signs SB 571 into law and it’s WAY worse than you probably thought

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signs SB 571 into law and it’s WAY worse than you probably thought

Yesterday afternoon while most of us were driving home from work or home getting ready for dinner, Gov. Rick Snyder signed Senate Bill 571 into law. It’s now Public Act 269 of 2015. This legislation started out innocuously enough as a 12-page campaign finance reform bill that involved how funds are collected and distributed by organizations that manage “separate segregated […]

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BREAKING: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder finally declares a state of emergency in Flint over water poisoning by state

BREAKING: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder finally declares a state of emergency in Flint over water poisoning by state

Nearly a year after evidence surfaced that there was a very serious, odorless, and invisible poisonous menace lurking in the water of Flint, Michigan, Gov. Rick Snyder has finally declared a state of emergency in the devastated city: Gov. Rick Snyder declared a state of emergency for Flint and Genesee County Tuesday as a result of the contaminated drinking water […]

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Twice rejected by voters, Gov. Snyder signs democracy-proof bill to make voting just that much harder

Twice rejected by voters, Gov. Snyder signs democracy-proof bill to make voting just that much harder

Twice in Michigan’s past Republicans have passed a law to take away the right to vote for all the candidates of a single political party with one mark on a ballot. Both times voters went to the polls and rejected their law. As the clock ticked down on the 2015 legislative session, Republicans passed the same damn law a third […]

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UPDATED: Maddow continues to press Flint water poisoning story, U.S. Attorney’s Office investigating

UPDATED: Maddow continues to press Flint water poisoning story, U.S. Attorney’s Office investigating

Last night, Rachel Maddow covered the Flint water lead poisoning story for a third time in the past month. In the segment, she lauded the Michigan press – including the ACLU’s crack investigative journalist Curt Guyette who wasn’t named explicitly – for their vigilance and doggedness in pursuing this story, something I agree with completely. For this report, Maddow brought […]

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The epic failure of EAA is still a thing, only 1 (ONE!) EAA 4th-grader passes M-STEP math test

The epic failure of EAA is still a thing, only 1 (ONE!) EAA 4th-grader passes M-STEP math test

For the past couple of weeks, I have been trying to ensure that the utter and tragic failure of Gov. Snyder’s experiment on Detroit school children – the Education Achievement Authority – does not go down the memory hole. I told the story in 127 Eclectablog headlines and reminded people that these failures have been stacking up for four years […]

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Obama admin sent letters of reassurance to GOP governors. NOW will Gov. Snyder reverse himself on accepting Syrian refugees?

Obama admin sent letters of reassurance to GOP governors. NOW will Gov. Snyder reverse himself on accepting Syrian refugees?

As LOLGOP wrote about Friday, Gov. Rick Snyder, who was the first governor in the USA to say he wouldn’t allow Syrian refugees to come to our state, said he wants a “pause” in providing a safe harbor for the refugees until “an appropriate review” can be done to ensure our screening processes are adequate. When NPR correspondent Steve Inskeep […]

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UPDATED x5: Michigan Gov. Snyder joins other Republican governors in ensuring that terrorists and the tactic of terrorism win

UPDATED x5: Michigan Gov. Snyder joins other Republican governors in ensuring that terrorists and the tactic of terrorism win

[This post has been updated below.] The flow of thousands upon thousands of Syrian refugees escaping violent extremism and war-like conditions in their country has been in the news for months. Many Michiganders were relieved to see Governor Rick Snyder extend the welcome mat to those escaping oppression and violence. However, after the recent terrorist attack in Paris, Gov. Snyder […]

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With high employment and low wages, Michigan is the corporatists’ dream come true

With high employment and low wages, Michigan is the corporatists’ dream come true

Republicans in Michigan, including Governor Rick Snyder are bragging to anyone who will listen to them about Michigan’s low unemployment rate. And it’s true. Our 5% unemployment rate is below the national average and at its lowest level since the summer of 2000. What they don’t mention, of course, is that the wages of our workers is perilously low. In […]

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The colossal failure and scandal of the Snyder administration in preventing the lead poisoning of Flint residents

The colossal failure and scandal of the Snyder administration in preventing the lead poisoning of Flint residents

In April of 2014, under the direction of Flint Emergency Manager Darnell Earley, the City changed the source of its drinking water from the Detroit water system (drawing from Lake Huron) to the Flint River. The move was touted as a cost-saving measure which would save $7 million annually. However, there were problems from the start. High levels of bacteria […]

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GUEST POST: The catastrophe of Flint’s water crisis falls squarely on Gov. Rick Snyder and the MDEQ

GUEST POST: The catastrophe of Flint’s water crisis falls squarely on Gov. Rick Snyder and the MDEQ

The following post was co-authored by David Holtz, the Chair of the Michigan chapter of the Sierra Club, and Anne Woiwode, the chapter’s Conservation Director. As leaders of one of the primary watchdog groups in Michigan when it comes to water quality, I asked them to weigh in on the ongoing crisis with Flint’s water supply. In their essay, Holtz […]

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More champagne bubbles from Gov. Snyder’s office

More champagne bubbles from Gov. Snyder’s office

Governor Snyder persists in his feelgood announcements about Michigan job growth, but he does hedge his enthusiasm because too many of us observe the realities of what is now passing as “job growth.” Yes, reality rains on Snyder’s parade every time. Most of those non-automotive jobs are low paying part time jobs that keep people zigzagging back and forth across […]

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