Tag: Rick Snyder

Employees of for-profit prison food vendor Aramark served food that had been in the trash

Employees of for-profit prison food vendor Aramark served food that had been in the trash

For-profit prison food vendor Aramark is back in the news again with revelations that its employees served food that had been in the trash and were rinsed off, reheated, and served to inmates. Aramark has a long history of patently absurd violations of state rules and, frankly, the norms of society, all of which have been documented here at Eclectablog. […]

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Well-connected, wealthy lawyer for big Republican donor gets “rare” pardon by Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

Well-connected, wealthy lawyer for big Republican donor gets “rare” pardon by Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder

It’s good to be know the king… Alan Gocha Jr., attorney for the maker of 5-Hour Energy drink got himself in trouble back in 2007 when he crossed the center line while driving drunk and landed in jail. He appealed the conviction but, after running out of appeals, decided to go for a gubernatorial pardon instead. This past week, Michigan […]

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UPDATED: For-profit prison food vendor Aramark served Michigan inmates rodent-chewed food

UPDATED: For-profit prison food vendor Aramark served Michigan inmates rodent-chewed food

Another day, another report that for-profit prison food vendor Aramark has done something truly outrageous. Honestly, these stories have become so commonplace that writing them is like a wicked case of deja vu. This time it’s serving cake to prison inmates that had been partially eaten by rodents. The news comes out of emails obtained from a FOIA request by […]

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Mich Gov. Snyder balances budget on backs of students (again) and takes control of failing schools (again)

Mich Gov. Snyder balances budget on backs of students (again) and takes control of failing schools (again)

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder continued his assault on education this week with two remarkable moves that betray his claims to have education at the top of his priority list. First, he signed legislation that fills a huge budget hole, created in part by ongoing multi-billion dollar tax cuts for businesses by diverting $167 million from the School Aid Fund. This […]

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Michigan GOP moves to fill budget crater from corporate tax breaks by robbing a quarter billion dollars from schools

Michigan GOP moves to fill budget crater from corporate tax breaks by robbing a quarter billion dollars from schools

To hear Michigan Republicans tell the story, they are all about the importance of education in Michigan. Get them in front of a microphone, camera, or a reporter and they will tell you it’s one of their highest priorities. Their hypocrisy on this issue is in clear display this week as they passed to bills, H.B. 4110 and H.B. 4112, […]

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Governor Snyder unveils fake “increase” in per-pupil school funding

Governor Snyder unveils fake “increase” in per-pupil school funding

I apologize for the lack of new posts this past week. My family is dealing with an ongoing medical crisis with my father and I have not had time to write. Regular posting will resume when the crisis is resolved. Last week, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder unveiled his new budget. According to his spin on the budget, per-pupil funding will […]

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Why did Rick Snyder “follow the law” on recognizing 300+ Michigan same-sex marriages but not on our same-sex marriage ban???

Why did Rick Snyder “follow the law” on recognizing 300+ Michigan same-sex marriages but not on our same-sex marriage ban???

Yesterday when Michigan Governor Rick Snyder announced that his administration would not appeal a decision by U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith that compelled Michigan to recognize nearly 320 same-sex marriages performed in March of last year, he said hes was doing because he wanted to “follow the law” as laid down by Judge Goldsmith. Here is his full statement (emphasis […]

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300 same-sex couples married in Michigan last year will have their marriages recognized by the state government

300 same-sex couples married in Michigan last year will have their marriages recognized by the state government

Last year, nearly 300 same-sex couples took advantage of a one-day window of opportunity to legally marry in the state of Michigan. It was a joyous day which Anne and I documented with words and emotional photos HERE. While the federal government via Attorney General Eric Holder quickly affirmed that the federal government would recognize the marriages as legal, the […]

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Corporatists benefit most from fight over increasing Michigan’s sales tax for road repair

Corporatists benefit most from fight over increasing Michigan’s sales tax for road repair

Let’s you and him fight… Thanks to the division within the Michigan Republican Party, the state legislature which is dominated by Republicans was unable to find a way to fund our roads. Their internal disputes led them to toss the decision to voters who will decide if we should the state sales tax by one-percent to pay for road repairs, […]

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When thinking about what Governor Rick Snyder said in the SOTS, actions speak MUCH louder than words

When thinking about what Governor Rick Snyder said in the SOTS, actions speak MUCH louder than words

Ray Holman is the Legislative Liaison for UAW Local 6000 and, for those of you not familiar with this Local, they represent over 22,000 state of Michigan workers that cut a wide path. Their membership, according to their website, “represents workers in every Department in State of Michigan government. We are the nurses, teachers, doctors, probation officers, social workers and […]

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Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder continues to take credit for successes of the Obama administration

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder continues to take credit for successes of the Obama administration

Almost exactly two years ago, Gov. Rick Snyder was on the fence about Medicaid expansion in Michigan. His chief concern was whether or not we have enough doctors to provide health care instead of people “simply going to an emergency room”: “I want to make sure we have access and high quality care if we’re to look into something like […]

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