Tag: Rick Snyder

Snyder campaign caught infiltrating a Schauer event a 3rd time, this time with secret “spy camera glasses”

Snyder campaign caught infiltrating a Schauer event a 3rd time, this time with secret “spy camera glasses”

Republicans even suck at being assholes First is was a Republican operative posing as a CNN reporter. Then it was a Snyder intern attempting to infiltrate a Schauer campaign GOTV office. Now we have failed infiltration attempt #3 of Democrat Mark Schauer’s gubernatorial campaign by the reelection campaign of Gov. Rick Snyder. For the third time this year, Democratic gubernatorial […]

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Fight to protect women’s reproductive health access in Michigan continues

Fight to protect women’s reproductive health access in Michigan continues

Democratic legislators demand hearings on women’s health rider repeal bills, while Republican Gov. Rick Snyder aligns with employer who sued over contraception coverage. The distinctions between Michigan’s Democratic and Republican legislators are clearer every day, leaving no question about which party stands with women. State Senate Democratic Leader Gretchen Whitmer and State Representative Sarah Roberts have delivered letters to Senate […]

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GUEST POST: “Who’s on First?” in Governor Rick Snyder’s Scheduling Office

GUEST POST: “Who’s on First?” in Governor Rick Snyder’s Scheduling Office

The following is a guest post from Teresa Blundell of Michigan. She gathered signatures asking Governor Snyder to agree to participate in multiple debates with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer. This is her account of getting the run-around from Gov. Snyder’s office in her attempt to deliver the petitions. When you’re through reading it, ask yourself if this sounds like […]

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POLL: Mark Schauer now tied with Rick Snyder, Terri Lynn Land sinking into obscurity

POLL: Mark Schauer now tied with Rick Snyder, Terri Lynn Land sinking into obscurity

Public Policy Polling’s latest Michigan poll has very good news for Democrats. Let’s start out with the very best news: after trailing in all previous polling, Mark Schauer is now in a 40-40 dead heat with incumbent Republican Governor Rick Snyder. What’s more, Snyder’s numbers are down four points from December and he has a negative job approval of 54% […]

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BREAKING: Snyder campaign intern who tried to infiltrate Schauer campaign has been fired

BREAKING: Snyder campaign intern who tried to infiltrate Schauer campaign has been fired

Jonathan Oosting is reporting at MLive that Taylor Grenawalt, the college-aged intern for Rick Snyder’s reelection campaign who tried to infiltrate the Schauer/Brown campaign, has been fired. Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder’s re-election campaign has parted ways with an intern who asked about volunteering for Democratic challenger Mark Schauer in an apparent attempt to infiltrate the rival campaign. Snyder campaign spokesperson […]

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UPDATED x3: Intern for Snyder campaign unsuccessfully attempts to infiltrate Mark Schauer’s campaign for Governor

UPDATED x3: Intern for Snyder campaign unsuccessfully attempts to infiltrate Mark Schauer’s campaign for Governor

UPDATE: This post has been updated to include an email Taylor Grenawalt sent to Lt. Governor candidate Lisa Brown, as well. UPDATE 2: Grenawalt has scrubbed his Facebook and LinkedIn pages, removing references to working for the Snyder campaign. UPDATE 3: Grenawalt has been fired from the Snyder campaign. Details HERE. In late May, an aspiring college-aged man named Taylor […]

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The Snyder administration: Awash in corruption and mismanagement

The Snyder administration: Awash in corruption and mismanagement

It’s been a tough week for Michigan governor Rick Snyder. During the negotiations over road funding at the end of the last legislative session, our illustrious governor was MIA, choosing instead to head to New York City to consult with bond ratings agencies. His lack of leadership on the home front resulted in his Republican colleagues – who have a […]

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Mark Schauer within 5 points of Governor Snyder in latest polling

Mark Schauer within 5 points of Governor Snyder in latest polling

Back in 2010, Rick Snyder was a relative unknown in Michigan at this point in the midterm election cycle. In fact, he didn’t crack 50% on name recognition until the after the primary election in August. In contrast, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer is known by over 60% of the electorate according to recent polling by Mitchell Research (pdf). Not […]

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Mark Schauer gets coveted Daily Kos endorsement “because Michigan deserves a strong Democratic governor”

Mark Schauer gets coveted Daily Kos endorsement “because Michigan deserves a strong Democratic governor”

Daily Kos is the most widely read political blog on the planet and, according to Alexa, the 515th most highly trafficked site in the USA. So, when they make an endorsement, something they don’t often do, it rings loudly throughout the progressive blogosphere. Yesterday, Daily Kos took the unusual step of endorsing Mark Schauer for Governor of Michigan because, as […]

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Gov. Snyder attempts Jedi Mind Trick on senior citizens: “These aren’t the pension taxes you’re looking for”

Gov. Snyder attempts Jedi Mind Trick on senior citizens: “These aren’t the pension taxes you’re looking for”

Attempting to deceive senior citizens is, simply put, sick and disgusting. Governor Snyder is summoning his inner Obi Wan Kenobi, using the Jedi Mind Trick to try to convince seniors that he’s not taxing their pensions. “I want to be proactive, ” he said, “and let people know it’s NOT a pension tax. What we did was clean up our […]

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Gov. Rick Snyder’s new-found concern for LGBT civil rights is a sham

Gov. Rick Snyder’s new-found concern for LGBT civil rights is a sham

Yesterday at the Mackinac Policy Conference on Mackinac Island, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder did an about-face on his position regarding civil rights for members of the LGBT community. His actions or, rather, lack of actions on behalf of the LGBT community are well-known so the abrupt change is cause for considerable skepticism. Snyder spelled out his new-found interest in LGBT […]

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