Tag: Rick Snyder

Snyder administration dodges questions like potholes, refuses to respond to FOIA request

Snyder administration dodges questions like potholes, refuses to respond to FOIA request

Same-day service! Governor’s office wastes no time saying “no” to request from ProgressNow and Progress Michigan. Regular readers of Eclectablog know that Chris Savage has been regularly calling out Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder on his lack of transparency. You can read some of that coverage HERE, HERE and HERE. And Chris is not the only one. Gov. Snyder promised transparency […]

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When will Americans wake up and smell the money?

When will Americans wake up and smell the money?

Anyone who thinks that the wealthy who are buying elections are doing it to help the country is in for a rude awakening. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission is a staggering blow to democracy. But it’s certainly not the only obstacle average Americans face in the fight to maintain a fair election process. Because […]

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Republican Governor Snyder: “Same-sex marriages are legal but my administration won’t recognize them”

Republican Governor Snyder: “Same-sex marriages are legal but my administration won’t recognize them”

Pretzel logic at its finest This afternoon Governor Snyder acknowledged that the nearly 300 same-sex marriages that were performed last Saturday are legal. He then said his administration won’t recognize them. With respect to the marriages, we believe those are legal and valid marriages. The stay being issued makes it more complicated. Because of the stay, we won’t recognize the […]

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As Michigan roads disintegrate, Republicans push for tax cuts – Don’t call them potholes, call them “Snyderholes”

As Michigan roads disintegrate, Republicans push for tax cuts – Don’t call them potholes, call them “Snyderholes”

It’s going to take actual leadership to fill all of these Snyderholes Anyone driving in Michigan these days knows that this is an epic year for potholes. The frightening part about it is that the daytime thawing followed by nighttime freezing that is the most significant contributor to potholes is only just now underway. If you think things are bad […]

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Rick Snyder’s videographer and CNN journalist impersonator gets national notice, featured on MSNBC

Rick Snyder’s videographer and CNN journalist impersonator gets national notice, featured on MSNBC

Good to see that Jeff Steinborn, the Snyder campaign videographer/photographer busted for impersonating a CNN reporter at a Mark Schauer campaign event, is getting some well-deserved national ridicule. Here he is last night on The Ed Show being skewered by Ed Schultz: Relentless positive ineptitude?

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UPDATED: Rick Snyder redefines “success” and “progress” for Detroit students

UPDATED: Rick Snyder redefines “success” and “progress” for Detroit students

In a Detroit News op-ed today, Governor Rick Snyder doubled down on his support for the failed experiment with Detroit students known as the Education Achievement Authority. The piece, titled “The EAA is a worthy experiment” is nearly comical in its Polly Annaish view of the EAA. Our governor seems to have bought every single story told to him about […]

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Snyder videographer poses as a phony CNN reporter at Schauer campaign event

Snyder videographer poses as a phony CNN reporter at Schauer campaign event

Seriously? That’s the level you’ve sunk to? This past Saturday, a videographer working for Governor Rick Snyder posed as a CNN reporter while filming Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer at a campaign stop in Coldwater. Schauer staffers questioned the man who showed them this homemade media pass: When asked where he was from, he pointed to his CNN hat. A […]

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Terri Lynn Land’s campaign crashing and burning before she even makes a public appearance

Terri Lynn Land’s campaign crashing and burning before she even makes a public appearance

Actually, it’s more like the Koch brothers’ campaign… Terri Lynn Land can best be described as the U.S. Senate candidate in absentia. Unlike her Democratic opponent Gary Peters who has been touring the state talking to voters, Land hasn’t made public appearance in months, not one where she could be asked direct questions since she began her tepid campaign to […]

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EAA chief responds to ACLU letter + summer EAA schedule being determined by customers … err, students

EAA chief responds to ACLU letter + summer EAA schedule being determined by customers … err, students

As I mentioned yesterday, the ACLU discovered that the Education Achievement Authority had a job posting on their website for pre-school teachers that described the position at three different schools as being “teachers are responsible for implementing a developmentally appropriate early childhood education curriculum in a Christian setting”. As I wrote in my post about this, the job posting language […]

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New poll shows Mark Schauer and Gary Peters with solid leads among likely voters

New poll shows Mark Schauer and Gary Peters with solid leads among likely voters

New polling by Clarity Campaign Labs shows Democrats Mark Schauer and Gary Peters with sizable leads over Republicans Rick Snyder and Terri Lynn Land in the statewide races for Governor and U.S. Senator among likely voters. Snyder’s approval rating is now less than 40% (39%) while nearly half of the voters polled (46%) disapprove of his performance. Schauer leads him […]

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VIDEO: A heartfelt Rick Snyder valentine to Dick and Betsy DeVos celebrating their corporate love affair

VIDEO: A heartfelt Rick Snyder valentine to Dick and Betsy DeVos celebrating their corporate love affair

There are few people who deserve a valentine from Michigan governor Rick Snyder more than Dick and Betsy DeVos. From funding his campaign to paying for ramming Right to Work through by threatening/bribing Republicans in the legislature, the DeVos family has been there for Rick Snyder every step of the way. In fact, it could reasonably be said that Rick […]

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